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Brian Rose's London Mayor Scam

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Brian rose is the #1 example on youtube that diving deep into consciousness work doesn't automatically mean you clean up all that shit in the closet.

If anyone doesn't know who Brian Rose is, he started a youtube channel called London Real which at some point in 2019 really started to take off with viewership. He was interviewing some really interesting individuals like Sahdguru and Wim Hof and putting out several interviews that were quite beefy and interesting. He had over a million followers at this point and was covering topics on psychedelics and self improvement. 

Jump to 2020 as COVID lockdowns started. Brian started to collaborate with David Ike and Alex Jones. One of his interviews got taken down and he started a donation platform. He raised A TON of money to start some video platform that materialized in the most pathetic way and seemed to then be swept under the rug. Jump now to 2021 and he is running for London Mayor. Bellow Rebel Wisdom summarizes the events from 2020 till now and Brian Rose is a good case study of how just because you get into consciousness work that you automatically aren't a saint like some people think.


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3 hours ago, Lyubov said:

Brian started to collaborate with David Ike and Alex Jones.

Anyone who collaborates with Ike and Jones reveals to you their true colors.

A conscious person would not associate with Alex Jones.

Both Trump and Covid have revealed the true colors of many people. How you view Trump and Covid says so much about you at such a deep character level.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Whatever happened to Eddie Izzard running for mayor?

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7 minutes ago, AMTO said:

What’s the “wrong” way to view covid out of interest? 

Plandemic / BUT MA FREEDUM!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@AMTO Be careful with conflating relative vs absolute domains.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Brian would definitely be a step forward for Londoners, with Orange-as-fuck Sadiq Khan, Brian is a nice mixture of healthy Orange, healthy Green and some aspects of Yellow.  Of course they will pull out some shit on him, they always do but comparing to other candidates he still has a lot to offer to London, I am just worried that he is not the typical "politician" like Sadiq is and is not ruthless enough. They will fuck him up and spit him out like they did Theresa May. He has a nice agenda but most of that won't fly, he'll spend all his time dealing with covid, brexit and TFL 

Maybe he should stick to London Real and think of another way to give back to humanity, becoming a major of London does not seem a task aligned with his mission. 

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@AMTO Be careful with conflating relative vs absolute domains.

You do this all the time, Leo. But when others do it, you make sure to point it out. It's called hypocrisy.


Plandemic / BUT MA FREEDUM!

It's not just my freedom, it's also everyone else's freedom. It's safety vs freedom on a collective level and you're choosing safety. This says a lot about your values and where you're coming from.

It's also easy to support lockdowns when you're working from the comfort of your home and don't have to worry that much about finances. Which is not true for the majority of people.

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With all of his shortcomings, would he still not be better for London than the other candidates ? Clearly he's not perfect, but at least he's into consciousness on some level. 

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@Leo Gura


Anyone who collaborates with Ike and Jones reveals to you their true colors.

A conscious person would not associate with Alex Jones.

Both Trump and Covid have revealed the true colors of many people. How you view Trump and Covid says so much about you at such a deep character level.

I also thought the same, my girlfriend made me realize that things aren´t that easy. You can´t judge a person on the basis of 1 or 2 topics. 

Trump being a good example. I know very conscious people who believe Trump would have been a better choice than Biden, it depends on why they believe what they believe. 

Same with COVID. There are conscious people who question the current way we deal with the pandemic and dogmatic ways. On both ends of the spectrum. There are conspiracy-theorists who actually do a lot of good sensemaking, and those who are just full of shit. 

We have to stay open-minded to the possibility we are wrong. That´s one thing I learned from your teachings. 

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52 minutes ago, vladorion said:

You do this all the time, Leo. But when others do it, you make sure to point it out. It's called hypocrisy.

It's a tricky and very delicate matter, handling those two artfully.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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16 hours ago, Lyubov said:

Brian rose is the #1 example on youtube that diving deep into consciousness work doesn't automatically mean you clean up all that shit in the closet.

If anyone doesn't know who Brian Rose is, he started a youtube channel called London Real which at some point in 2019 really started to take off with viewership. He was interviewing some really interesting individuals like Sahdguru and Wim Hof and putting out several interviews that were quite beefy and interesting. He had over a million followers at this point and was covering topics on psychedelics and self improvement. 

Jump to 2020 as COVID lockdowns started. Brian started to collaborate with David Ike and Alex Jones. One of his interviews got taken down and he started a donation platform. He raised A TON of money to start some video platform that materialized in the most pathetic way and seemed to then be swept under the rug. Jump now to 2021 and he is running for London Mayor. Bellow Rebel Wisdom summarizes the events from 2020 till now and Brian Rose is a good case study of how just because you get into consciousness work that you automatically aren't a saint like some people think.


Just seeing the face of this guy I can sense a lot of ego.

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15 minutes ago, Space said:

Theres no way he'll win. Literally no one knows who he is.

Yeah, I'm with you on that. London Real has a decent following but nowhere near enough of what it would need to be 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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32 minutes ago, Space said:

@Michael569 Theres no way he'll win. Literally no one knows who he is.

And he's from America which is the biggest limitation. And it doesn't help that he worked on Wall Street either. 

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16 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

A shame what Brian Rose has become. London Real started out as a solid self-help channel with interesting guests and great interviews. Now it's pretty much a pure conspiracy platform headed by a con artist. I don't know when it went so wrong...

I agree, his older interviews are still really powerful. 


Brian struck when the iron was hot.  He had David Icke on at exactly the right time, when people were first nervous and questioning what was going on.  I don't think Brian knew the first Icke interview would be so wildly successful and viewed, so he ran with that, and now panders to conspiracy theorists. 

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What's with all these new media people and YouTubers always getting in deep water with some shady and illegal shit lol? Like they can't just be happy they scored and made a living with an amazing and flexible job, they just HAVE to get greedy and try to build a social media empire.

I remember watching Brian Rose back before he even had 100K subscribers, he was so damn humble.

Fame and success can really get to a person.


Edited by Roy


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On 08/04/2021 at 10:23 AM, Michael569 said:

Brian would definitely be a step forward for Londoners, with Orange-as-fuck Sadiq Khan, Brian is a nice mixture of healthy Orange, healthy Green and some aspects of Yellow.  

I'd swap that. Sadiq Khan is more green than orange, whilst Brian Rose is mostly orange. A big leap in consciousness happens between orange and green, in that you start realising that what is best for society is not always best for yourself individually but ultimately is a greater good. Clearly Brian Rose is unable to view things this way as he is opposed to covid lockdowns and internet censorship of disinformation. 

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So anyone who´s against Lockdowns is automatically orange? I don´t think so, I would say I am pretty green/yellowish (sure I have probably have some orange aspects I still need to integrate). 

It depends on why you are against lockdowns. There is a lot of scientific evidence, saying Lockdowns hurt a society more than it does good. We can also see this in countries with no lockdown like Sweden, as compared to Austria or Germany. 

Same with Internet Censorship. There is a lot of good stuff getting taken down because it contradicts what the WHO says, which I don´t think is good. I know some Doctors who got censored personally and they have compelling evidence for what they are saying. This doesn´t mean I am against Internet Censorship in general, but I don´t think it´s unproblematic how it´s currently done.

Because who decides what´s true and what´s false information? We would need an absolutely uncorrupted way of checking information for truth in order for censorship to work fairly. 

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1 hour ago, Stovo said:

I'd swap that. Sadiq Khan is more green than orange, whilst Brian Rose is mostly orange. A big leap in consciousness happens between orange and green, in that you start realising that what is best for society is not always best for yourself individually but ultimately is a greater good. Clearly Brian Rose is unable to view things this way as he is opposed to covid lockdowns and internet censorship of disinformation. 

That's what you're being told, that it's for a greater good. In my opinion, everyone being locked in their houses, mass unemployment, higher poverty, more people suffering and dying of hunger, in fear of catching a virus that has a mortality rate less than 0.5% is not a greater good.

"All around the world, the coronavirus and its restrictions are pushing already hungry communities over the edge, cutting off meagre farms from markets and isolating villages from food and medical aid. Virus-linked hunger is leading to the deaths of 10,000 more children a month over the first year of the pandemic, according to an urgent call to action from the United Nations shared with The Associated Press ahead of its publication in the Lancet medical journal.

Further, more than 550,000 additional children each month are being struck by what is called wasting, according to the UN -- malnutrition that manifests in spindly limbs and distended bellies. Over a year, that's up 6.7 million from last year's total of 47 million. Wasting and stunting can permanently damage children physically and mentally, transforming individual tragedies into a generational catastrophe."

Getting tired of the "you're just selfish" and "it's best for society" argument. It's not.

Edited by vladorion

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@Lyubov You need to get better at judging microexpressions or just anyone. You can tell by the picture he's not a "real" person, he's a fabrication. He's like wood veneered board (same as how laminate works but is wood and you glue it to MDF board), slaps on the real thing to something that's a fake foundation, tries to "look real" in a "trying to look real but not world" trend of the world. Brian Rose can suck my dick after I'm dead, probably would for some $$$.

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