
Should Racism Be a Crime?

61 posts in this topic

On 4/8/2021 at 7:59 PM, Opo said:

You're the type of person that watches sjw cringe compilations and assumes all progressives are like that. 

You mean all conservatives?


On 4/8/2021 at 7:47 PM, ted73104 said:

Ahhh, but whether or not we really know the actual reality of the conservatives could use some more study, observation, insight, and understanding, right? It is easy to just demonize them, but they're just ordinary people like you and me. Only the background and environment where they grew up is different.

They deserve to be demonized until they evolve into more developed beings.


On 4/10/2021 at 11:55 AM, Matt23 said:

I feel one of the best ways to handle racism, probably if it's not the hostile and "attacking" (not necessarily physically) type, is to show them understanding and give them a space to express themselves safely (maybe to a degree of course).  I say this cuz I watched this interview of a woman who was expressing that she didn't want black people in her neighborhood.  You could see the woman was timid to express these views since she thought she'd be attacked by the press.  But the woman interviewer said something like "No, it's ok.  I don't believe in your views, but it's ok to say what you want."  I feel this sort of let the woman who was expressing racist views be more open to the "other side" and not see them as enemies, perhaps increasing the possibilities of questioning her own beliefs and being more open to beliefs of "the other side."  

Obviously things are more nuanced, like if someone was verbally berating someone, I don't think this would work.  But, hey, it might throw them off as well since they might be expecting counter-defenses etc..

Kinda like a dog will only chase you if you run, or, you only get counter-resistance if you resist (I'm imagining pushing a baby's hand, and that only when you pish do they push.  But if you relax they also relax).  

As for criminalizing hate speech.... hmmm.. I dunno about that.  I mean, do we have any laws against verbal assaults?  I haven't thought about this at all, but my first feeling is that it's a tricky thing and borders on sort of being not totally clear or right for me.  Like, I dunno... I guess I don't think verbal assaults should be a punishable crime (including hate speech).  That's my first feeling-thought.  I dunno, maybe hate-speech... but it's a fine line for me.  Mixed feelings about it.  Like, that seems a bit too much and too fa and moving into the dystopian theme.  Too much control isn't a good thing.  We gotta have room for people to feel free to express themselves and even vent etc. for one thing since if people, or any animal, feels it can't freely/safely express or be itself, it usually backlashes even worse down the road.   That's not the only consideration, but those are my first thoughts.  

Also, it might depend on where one lives (social, political environments etc.).  Like, if your population is largely Red or something or Blue, even Orange, then trying to force control over speech would probably be a disaster and do more harm than good.  But if your society was at, say Green or higher, it wouldn't even be an issue to begin with so you wouldn't need those laws.  

Yeah, I think these are all valid points.

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