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Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self - David Hawkins Quotes

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These are some of my favourite quotes from the book "Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self" by David Hawkins. I know this topic should be in the "high consciousness resources" section, but I feel in this section it might get more exposure and help more people (otherwise, admins feel free to move it). The book is a collection of the best teachings of David Hawkins, by contemplating some of the quotes it's possible to get mini enlightenment experiences.

  1. The ego secretly "loves" and clings to the position of victimhood and extracts a distorted pleasure and grim justification from pain and suffering.
  2. Out of the fear of becoming nothing, consciousness denies its only reality that it is everything – the infinite, everlasting Allness out of which existence itself arises.
  3. Everything fulfils its purpose by merely being what it is. Everything is the fulfilment of its own essence and potentiality. The only "requirement" for anything that exists is to just be
  4. Life is the radiance of God made manifest, as the universe expressed through evolution. We are both the product and the witness of Creation as a continuous, eternal process.
  5. Because the essence of God is the catalyst of Creation, all that is created contains that same quality. Therefore, the ultimate context of God is an infinite progression of infinite potentialities and possibilities, each of which then creates a further progression of infinite progressions.
  6. The realization and knowingness of God is radically and purely subjective. There is not even the hypothetical possibility that reason could arrive at Truth. Truth is knowable only by virtue of the identity of being it.
  7. It is through forgiveness that one is forgiven.
  8. On the level of nonduality, there is observing but no observer, as subject and object are one. You-and-I becomes the One Self experiencing all as divine.
  9. In the advanced spiritual Reality, duality dissolves because the "this" is the "that". The seeker and the Sought become One with the transcendence of the limitation of duality.
  10. That which I am is Allness. To realize that one already is and always has been All That Is leaves nothing to be added.
  11. There is no separation in the Allness of Creation, so it is impossible for the created to be separate from the Creator.
  12. Enlightenment is the consequence of the surrender of all dualistic illusions to Truth. All suffering ends with dissolution of the ego's positionalities.
  13. The infinite, Ultimate Potentiality is the Actuality of Existence. "All That Is" is therefore innately Divine, or it could not exist at all. The absolute expression of Divinity is Subjectivity. If I exist, then God Is.
  14. Consciousness does not recognize separation, which is a limitation of perception. The enlightened state is a "Oneness" in which there is no division into parts. Such division is only apparent from a localized perception; it is only an accident of a point of view.
  15. To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know the nature of love itself. To truly know love is to know and understand God, and to know God is to understand love.

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These are fairly good quotes. Seems like some of them are still creating a separation between the ego and God, which is not complete oneness which he describes as being of utmost importance essentially. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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5 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

These are fairly good quotes. Seems like some of them are still creating a separation between the ego and God, which is not complete oneness which he describes as being of utmost importance essentially. 

Which ones specifically?    

These are great quotes @Brivido 

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@Consilience it’s not as pronounced after I’ve had more time to read through it. I give these points a general endorsement ? Pretty good stuff. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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