
ego backlash after water fasting for 2 weeks

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How does one deal with ego backlash after resisting to eat for two weeks, how do I make sure I don't put the weight back on or just over eat in general

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Start doing intermittent fasting after it or even Omad. If you've never done Omad then I'd start with a 20/4 eating window. 

It's very hard to gain extra weight on these "diets" without your body burning up any excess calories during the fasting window. 

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what makes you think i haven't done them ? lol did you just assume these things ? xD i've been doing them for the last 5 years brudda and OMAD is my daily ting


you need to re-read my post bro i don't think you understood the Q


but thanks

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11 hours ago, levani said:

How does one deal with ego backlash after resisting to eat for two weeks, how do I make sure I don't put the weight back on or just over eat in general

Moderation. The middle way. 



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@Nahm meaning..  don't fast in the first place or apply moderation in some way after the fast ?

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8 minutes ago, levani said:

@Nahm meaning..  don't fast in the first place or apply moderation in some way after the fast ?

I think Nahm means the latter... Fast, but don't overdo it. And after fasting, don't overdo it. 

Backlash is the result of overdoing it, so when you overdo it with fasting, you are provoking a backlash. So actually, the backlash isn't the real problem, the real problem is the overdoing it in the first place.

Since you're anticipating the backlash, you're conscious of it and it doesn't have as much might. 

Just take it easy.

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Putting fasting, losing weight, gaining weight aside for a minute. What is it you really want? Do you want to fast? Not really. Do you want to put on excess weight? Not really. Do you want to then have to lose the excess weight? Not really. 

What is it you do want? 



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7 hours ago, Tim R said:

the real problem is the overdoing it in the first place.

ye ye ye ye but how can i possibly know when i am overdoing it ? fasting is tricky no ?


7 hours ago, Tim R said:

Since you're anticipating the backlash, you're conscious of it and it doesn't have as much might. 

yeah, true


6 hours ago, Nahm said:

What is it you do want? 

no clue who said gain weight, i want to fast because..

health reasons

cleaner more attractive skin

more defined abs (narcissist i know)

and my meditation/heart rate variability and om japa and etc etc spiritual stuff feels maaaad more clean when i fast


do i WANT to fast ? i don't know, yes and no, sometimes i get the emotional hunger sometimes the physical hunger so idk bro, nothing in life is easy, sometimes things come through some sacrifice i feel

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the things on my vision/dream board (forgot the difference)

don't laugh doe it's super shallow haha but it's what i want, i am a deeply superficial person

Screenshot 2021-04-07 at 02.51.17.png

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15 hours ago, levani said:

the things on my vision/dream board (forgot the difference)

don't laugh doe it's super shallow haha but it's what i want, i am a deeply superficial person

Screenshot 2021-04-07 at 02.51.17.png

Being shallow is ok. It wouldn't be wise to force yourself to skip the shallow part of your life...

Which is basically integral theory..

Edited by Michal__

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@Michal__ integral theory ? any videos/books on that ? sounds interesting, what is it first ?

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If your goal is to lose weight you need to make permanent changes to your daily diet.

If you forever eliminate the wrong foods from your diet, you will never have to worry about gaining weight ever again. And you don't have to starve.

Cleaning up your diet is THE KEY to permanent and effortless weight loss.

When you start eating healthy food and forever banish junk food, cravings become less of a thing.

Overeating healthy whole food is basically impossible. Eat as much as you like.

But bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, etc is not healthy food. Cut all that shit out. If you want to lose weight, cut out all grains and starches.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I've seen some promising stuff in the past with long fasts to help someone adapt to the taste of healthy foods faster. I found it easier to start by just changing one meal at a time. I started with a healthy smoothie to start the day and made that a habit, then worked from there. 

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On 4/6/2021 at 2:55 AM, levani said:

How does one deal with ego backlash after resisting to eat for two weeks, how do I make sure I don't put the weight back on or just over eat in general

Don’t crave. Just eat. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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nature/(natural) always seems to be the answer

gonna implement wholefoods rather than smooties i think @Average Investor if i wat my calories that's a better way to not get hungry (maybe?)

@James123 true bro true

i need to fuck with vegetables / (fruit) more so i don't get cravings, the problem is i'm a lazy piece of shit and I will never prepare food like that vid leo did for the soup or salad or whatever.

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14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

But bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, etc is not healthy food. Cut all that shit out. If you want to lose weight, cut out all grains and starches.

What are you talking about Leo? What's wrong with grains and starches? I get that some people don't do well with gluten, but not all grains have gluten, and we have evolved salivary amylase that helps us digest starches. 

Yes, when we bake or fry starchy food certain carcinogenic compounds such as Acrylamde can form, but boiling and steaming are perfectly fine. And if you want to avoid Acrylamide when you bake potatoes, just don't eat the skin. The glycoalkaloids which are toxic to humans are also found in the skin. Other than that, potatoes (especially sweet potatoes and purple potatoes) are some of the healthiest foods on earth.

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@levani I would use https://cronometer.com/ to get an idea of where you are with nutrients and calories. I would not worry so much on watching calories though. Just make sure you are eating enough food really. With a smoothie for example it is going to be a really high volume food, so you will feel full for quite a while without taking in that many calories. I would recommend adding stuff like hemp seeds into the smoothie. I also recommend finding various things like turmeric powder and others super food powders. 

If you are worried about feeling hungry and you are getting enough nutrients and calories, then try eating more stuff like melons and pineapples too. I have found spaghetti squash to be really good as a high volume food as well. These will really help keep hunger cravings away and be a great healthy food. 

Another big thing would be to make sure your water intake is good. I feel like in the past I could confuse thirst with hunger. A feeling of fatigue and other things, but it was from not having enough water. I imagine if you are working on losing weight that you might be exercising more, so be sure to increase water in take with that. 

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@levani bro get an instapot and your cooking issues will be fixed, you'll save hours of time.

Also don't rely on fasting to drop weight that's a short term solution, a change of mindset needs to happen for permanent weight loss. 

Time to stop dicking around & get serious. 

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I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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8 hours ago, levani said:

@James123 true bro true

i need to fuck with vegetables / (fruit) more so i don't get cravings, the problem is i'm a lazy piece of shit and I will never prepare food like that vid leo did for the soup or salad or whatever.

Lazy mind is sign of heavy ego. It comes from listening monkey mind a lot. Dont listen, just decide and go do it. Listening monkey mind is more work than preparing food. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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