
The false rape problem

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@Preety_India You haven't answered me yet. What does the title say?

You can do it! I believe in you.

Edited by Parththakkar12

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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4 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:

@Preety_India Looks like you didn't read the title of the thread. I'm going to show you how to do that. Here's how : Take your phone/laptop, scroll up, read the title of the thread. What does it say?

It says 'it is the men's fault'

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2 minutes ago, Epikur said:

It says 'it is the men's fault'

You read @Preety_India's mind! Well done on that one. That's not what it says though. I'm going to give yall another guess. What does it say?

Edited by Parththakkar12

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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7 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:

You read @Preety_India's mind! Well done on that one. That's not what it says though. I'm going to give yall another guess. What does it say?

  The False Rape Problem. Can I get a cookie?

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I never said it was men's fault. You like to create these narratives to simply win an argument by making me look stupid. 

You don't have an argument to counter mine then you resort to stupid personal attacks. 

You also have a very authoritarian way of deciding things for women.. 

Is there any doubt that false accusations hurt? That goes without being said.. 

But it's not women's fault that some evil woman decided to be vindictive for no reason. Just as it is not all men's fault if one man is a rapist. 

You dont use nuances. You blame it on all women. 

Also you need a lot of growing up to do with the way you talk about flirting.. Not all flirting is innocent. 

Plus you don't get to decide what's innocent and what's not, because you're not it's recipient 


This is like me playing a cruel prank on strangers and then deciding if it was cruel enough or not. It's up to them to decide, I don't have the authority if I'm the player of the prank. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Just now, Danioover9000 said:


  The False Rape Problem. Can I get a cookie?

Correct!!! You are the Grand Winner of The Great Chocolate-Chip Cookie!! Congrats!!! (It was 'The false rape problem' but I'll give you the cookie lol). 

Anyways, moving on. Do you know the word I want you to underline in that title? False!! It's false. That's a given, clear truth of the cases we're looking at. No 'if's, 'but's or 'maybe's. Are we on the same page here? Yeah?


"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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On 7/4/2021 at 11:04 PM, Preety_India said:


I never said it was men's fault. You like to create these narratives to simply win an argument by making me look stupid. 

You don't have an argument to counter mine then you resort to stupid personal attacks. 

You also have a very authoritarian way of deciding things for women.. 

Is there any doubt that false accusations hurt? That goes without being said.. 

But it's not women's fault that some evil woman decided to be vindictive for no reason. Just as it is not all men's fault if one man is a rapist. 

You dont use nuances. You blame it on all women. 

Also you need a lot of growing up to do with the way you talk about flirting.. Not all flirting is innocent. 

Plus you don't get to decide what's innocent and what's not, because you're not it's recipient 


This is like me playing a cruel prank on strangers and then deciding if it was cruel enough or not. It's up to them to decide, I don't have the authority if I'm the player of the prank. 



In a false accusation, do you know who is to blame? Is it the falsely accused? Is it the man? No! It's the woman who falsely accused him. That's who is to blame. End of story!

If you're not harassing her and you get accused of harassment, that is a false accusation. No, it's not only the woman's version that matters here! You know the truth of whether you're harassing her or not. It's because you are the doer of the harassment or not! Nobody else can tell you whether it's harassment or not.

You know you're not harassing her but nobody else is believing you. That's what it feels like to be a guy in today's date!

What you're doing is you are trying to muddy the waters. You are trying to distort the truth of something that wasn't a harassment/rape into it being that way because you are selfish and you have your biases. Check them!

It benefits you to keep things unclear and muddy and murky in order to justify your anti-male biases. You rule in a situation where there is confusion and where everyone's confused. You don't want clarity! Clarity threatens you. That's why you say that 'we shouldn't reach a conclusion' or 'If the conclusion you reach doesn't agree with mine, that's wrong'. You know what? Sometimes, you are wrong. Consider that. You thrive in confusion because it helps you not consider that! It helps you push your anti-male narratives. As Leo says, the devil does it's work in the shadows.

Also, you are advocating for separation by saying that 'My truth is separate from your truth, and my truth should win in that situation'. This is a free pass for false accusations. Bias bias bias!

It's not me who has growing up to do relative to flirting, it's the false accuser. That's the reason they do it! If you support false accusers, it's you who has growing up to do relative to flirting, not the falsely accused. Grow the fuck up! By saying 'Stop blaming women', you are saying that the woman has no accountability. The woman is never to blame and she's free to do whatever she wants, misuse the system however she wants and men should get the shaft in this situation. That's what you're really saying when you're talking about a false accusation! You want men to get the shaft because you hate men. Just admit it! You hate men, don't you?! You are the reason this shit happens. Take some responsibility. You are the problem here. Not the falsely accused, not men. YOU. Yes, you. I'm pointing the finger at you.

STOP BLAMING MEN FOR EVERYTHING. Real people get hurt because of it. Take your ego and set it aside for a second. It's really fucking dense. Women have dense egos too! Not just men. Dense egos that hurt men. Too much feminist propaganda, huh? Set aside that hateful nonsense for a second. Cut that hateful shit out and start thinking more holistically.

You have a responsibility towards not just your own health and safety, but also other people's. This is true for women too. Not just men.

Edited by Parththakkar12

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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2 hours ago, Parththakkar12 said:

society is biased.

Of course society is biased. Otherwise, there would be only men or only women. Bias is what creates identity. And not all bias is bad. Some of it is even good, for example the reason why we enjoy hot sex is the bias, aka the masculine-feminine polarity. If everyone would be 100% unbiased, then all women would become men, or all men would become women, however society would want.

As well, our bodies are inherently different, so it's fair and justified to be biased in certain things. And I get what you mean, but don't forget that women face similar challenges and sometimes even more. A man can have sex with as many women as he wants without being shamed or marginalized. A woman will be called a slut for engaging with two men. That's society. Some things work for your advantage, and some other don't. Everyone faces different challenges. The challenges won't likely go away anytime soon, so it's kinda pointless to waste time complaining about them.

Edited by Gesundheit

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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1 minute ago, Gesundheit said:

Of course society is biased. Otherwise, there would be only men or only women. Bias is what creates identity. And not all bias is bad. Some of it is even good, for example the reason why we enjoy hot sex is the bias, aka the masculine-feminine polarity. If everyone would be 100% unbiased, then women would become men, or men would become women, however society would want.

As well, our bodies are inherently different, so it's fair and justified to be biased in certain things. And I get what you mean, but don't forget that women face the same challenges and sometimes even more. A man can have sex with as many women as he wants without being shamed or marginalized. A woman will be called a slut for engaging with two men. That's society. Some things work for your advantage, and some other don't. Everyone faces different challenges. The challenges won't likely go away anytime soon, so it's kinda pointless to waste time complaining about them.

You gotta see the truth for what it is. And in the end, the truth always wins.

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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2 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:

You gotta see the truth for what it is. And in the end, the truth always wins.

Your truth is not everyone's truth. Truth is relative. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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1 minute ago, Parththakkar12 said:

You gotta see the truth for what it is. And in the end, the truth always wins.

You're right. The truth is that criminals get away very rarely.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Just now, Preety_India said:

Your truth is not everyone's truth. Truth is relative. 


Truth is One, Truth is integral. What we need is integration.

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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On 4/4/2021 at 3:51 PM, Preety_India said:

Why only talk about false rape cases? 

People get planted with drugs and accused of drug possession.. 

Then why don't we talk about that? 

If you had to go to jail on a false accusation, it could literally be anything. Why only rape?

Is rape categorically worse than theft? I tend to think yes.

If that's the case, then false accusations of rape are categorically different to false accusations of theft/etc. To falsely accuse someone of rape is to intend to subject that person to the penalty of rape. False accusations of rape are akin to rape, and that's really being generous, as victims may actually get raped in prison, by multiple people at once.

Don't pretend to not know why false accusation of rape is a heinous crime.

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5 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

Of course society is biased. Otherwise, there would be only men or only women. Bias is what creates identity. And not all bias is bad. Some of it is even good, for example the reason why we enjoy hot sex is the bias, aka the masculine-feminine polarity. If everyone would be 100% unbiased, then all women would become men, or all men would become women, however society would want.

As well, our bodies are inherently different, so it's fair and justified to be biased in certain things. And I get what you mean, but don't forget that women face similar challenges and sometimes even more. A man can have sex with as many women as he wants without being shamed or marginalized. A woman will be called a slut for engaging with two men. That's society. Some things work for your advantage, and some other don't. Everyone faces different challenges. The challenges won't likely go away anytime soon, so it's kinda pointless to waste time complaining about them.

  The maun question then, is how do we sort out the false accusation from ones that are genuine?

   How does society handle false accusations?

   None of the other topics, just what does it take to stop the fales rape problem?

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3 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

You're right. The truth is that criminals get away very rarely.

The history of humanity is might is right

Edited by Epikur

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@Parththakkar12 False accusations is a piece within a larger context. Simply focusing on one piece of a larger system will create distorted views.

For example, we could focus on the fact that a small percentage of people that receive a vaccine have serious adverse side effects. That is a problem. However, if we stay contracted within that piece it will create a very distorted view. Imagine being an alien and the only information you have is that humans stick a needle into an arm, inject something and a few people get seriously sick. It would make no sense to have vaccinations. We would take the side of people that were harmed by vaccinations. Yet this is a distorted, contracted view. 

A greater understanding comes from zooming in and out. We would need to zoom out to see the larger context. . . "Oh. . . in the bigger picture, vaccinations are intended to give people immunity from a pathogen". However, if someone is contracted within anti-vaccing, they will not be able to zoom out and see other components of a larger picture. A narrow lens has some value, yet is within a larger context.

For example, false accusations of rape is a problem - yet that is one piece of a larger social illness of rape and domestic violence. To have a high conscious understanding, one would need to be able to zoom into aspects of the social illness (such as false rape accusations, valid rape accusations, domestic violence, non-deadly strangulation, support services, justice system etc.) and also be able to zoom out. If a mind is locked into one component, it will have a limited, distorted view. For example, if someone spent their life working in a shelter for battered women, they might get contracted into that reality. Similarly, if a man believes society is out to get him for one false move, that will distort his vision. 

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1 minute ago, The0Self said:

Is rape categorically worse than theft? I tend to think yes.

If that's the case, then false accusations of rape are categorically different to false accusations of theft/etc. To falsely accuse someone of rape is to intend to subject that person to the penalty of rape. False accusations of rape are akin to rape, and that's really being generous, as victims may actually get raped in prison, by multiple people at once.

Don't pretend to not know why false accusation of rape is a heinous crime.

   This is getting closer to the main issue! Great, now where do we go from here?

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7 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


  The maun question then, is how do we sort out the false accusation from ones that are genuine?

   How does society handle false accusations?

   None of the other topics, just what does it take to stop the fales rape problem?

It depends on the culture.

For example, in my country, if a girl was raped by someone, they usually marry her to her rapist to avoid public shame, because  having sex before marriage is a great shame here, especially for women. So, even if she was raped, her folks would try to hide and suppress that story, and then they would communicate with the rapist family in order to arrange a marriage, and then after a few days of marriage, they get their daughter divorced so that she's known to be not virgin anymore. The rapist gets away without any damage.

Edited by Gesundheit

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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