
Actualized.org is an Illusion

22 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, allislove said:

Congrats! ^_^

How long are you into spiritual practices? (just curious)

4 years, but I never did anything hardcode (meditation retreats, psychedelics, etc). I only have been meditating every day for at most 1 hour, the max that I did was 2 hours. Maybe what helped is that I always been pretty distant, distrustful of society, and isolated since I was a kid. I always took a lot of time contemplating things and asking questions.

2 hours ago, LastThursday said:

@Raphael obviously, the question arises as to why then you are not able to willfully manifest reality. I mean can you personally, create the perfect ice cream here and now, right this second? Probably not (but please let us all know if you can). So why the fly in the ointment? It's because the "I" you so generously mention in your OP, is the delusion. Once that's removed everything else falls into place. It's then just consciousness doing stuff to itself, which it was all along.

I'm still processing, not everything is clear. I cannot create an ice cream, but I can create the thought "ice cream" and assign it to a piece of emptiness and assign a meaning to it. I am doing this right now for this conversation through the use of the English language.

Yes, the "I" is the delusion.

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17 minutes ago, Raphael said:

4 years, but I never did anything hardcode (meditation retreats, psychedelics, etc). I only have been meditating every day for at most 1 hour, the max that I did was 2 hours.

The most hardcore thing ever is a living itself. Consistent formal meditation practice pays off so to speak. Beautiful.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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