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Any reccomended recorses for attaining healthy raw food recipies?

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@Leo Gura

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most raw recipes are high fat recipes that just beat the purpose of being in a raw food diet. I wouldn't get too stuck on making gourmet recipes for everyday meals instead I would recommend taking a course on making salad dressings & flavoring & that would make your diet very interesting. You could prepare the same raw veggies and soak it in a unique dressing everyday. If you're into recipes then I would just recommend sticking to the simple raw meals and having some cooked recipes on occasion 

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Michael Greger's: How not to Diet & How not to die Cookbooks are a great entry point into healthy colourfully meals :) Some of those recipes are raw.

If you however want 100% raw, check some of Christina Bucaram's (Fully Raw Christina) stuff or you could check some of Freelee's stuff as well. Beware you may be entering a new dimension once exposed to fruitarians & raw foodies so don't say you haven't been warned :D 

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