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How Do You Get Organized In Pursuit Of Enlightenment?

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I feel that my enlightenment journey is so scattered and everywhere. I have deep insights, but they come and go so quickly I am not sure how to chart my progress. Does anyone have any good advice on how to structure or stay organized during your enlightenment journey? I have written down all of the 'Many Facets of Awakening' from Leo's episode. But how do you guys practice and work towards awakening daily, when not knowing what type of enlightenment you will have?


I guess I have no intention with my meditations so I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything. What are your guys' daily routines? 

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It's a messy process that takes years of trial and error. Trying to organize it is a waste of time in my opinion and only leads to you being fooled by your own mind. This is fluid work so just contemplate what you wish to know and do it totally intensely. No need to hang onto those sessions by charting them. Let go of all these concepts like from that video. You'll never get to those realizations by wanting the realization itself, you must be genuinely curious about truth and reality itself. 

I've found structuring my meditations and contemplations to be counterintuitive. I meditate when I really feel like I want to meditate or contemplate but you must find out what works best for you.  

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First you must understand what Enlightenment is, you do not even know what you are looking for, why do you think "Enlightened" gurus say it has nothing to do with nonsense you are trying to find?

It is not about finding anything, it is about simply saying I don't need any of  this, letting go of emotions, mind , everything, not being in need of anything. And it is all bs anyway , but you must at least know what you are looking for if it is your goal.

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Enlightenment is recognizing YOU as the seeker of enlightenment is unreal.

So the question is WHO is trying to get organized in pursuit of enlightenment?

Take a close look ❤


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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what works best imo is a combination of daily meditation and doing 5meo dmt , low doses every 10 days or like that and sometimes total breakthrough. everything you have in mind about enlightenment is not. It is about emptying yourself and dissolve the i (very difficult without chemical help for me, for now). To get to this only by meditating, millions of people have always tried to do it, and almost no one achieves anything more than going around in circles. 5meo is essential. Learn about non duality helps to free the mind too

Edited by Breakingthewall

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If you are typically an organized person in your daily or professional life, then the enlightenment path for you would be letting go of control and structure in certain contexts.  In other words, it's necessary to recognize that the ego wants to control the spiritual seeking process not in order for you to become enlightened, but in order to prevent you from becoming enlightened: it is sabotaging you. 

If being organized is your comfort zone, then you must step out of that comfort zone in order to become whole.  Sure, it's a good quality to be organized, especially when it comes to the serious aspects of life, but it can also be limiting if it e.g. deprives you of spontaneity, flexibility, aliveness, etc.  

How does one organize a journey into the unknown (which is what spiritual seeking is) anyway?  You can read all the books and watch all the videos you want, but those ideas won't have real meaning until your state of consciousness is such that you "get it" not at the level of mind, but at the level of mysticism, direct experience.

So to summarize, your mission is to let go of being organized when you don't need it.

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On 4/2/2021 at 6:37 PM, PureRogueQ said:

First you must understand what Enlightenment is, you do not even know what you are looking for, why do you think "Enlightened" gurus say it has nothing to do with nonsense you are trying to find?

It is not about finding anything, it is about simply saying I don't need any of  this, letting go of emotions, mind , everything, not being in need of anything. And it is all bs anyway , but you must at least know what you are looking for if it is your goal.

This is very true. This is why I plan to keep up with studying enlightenment, but maybe not so much in a structured or orderly way. I agree with the others in that trying to stay organized might be counterintuitive. But I do believe I should at least stay conscious of enlightenment in this pursuit and ideas that have been passed on to me.  I feel that some people have bits of awakening experiences without truly understanding what it is they are.

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The suggestion here would be to start a dream board & write what you want: "meditating every day", ... . Meditate every day as the first thing in the morning, bumping the duration to 1 hour over time. Pay attention on how you feel during the day. That's all. Sooner or later you'll notice the actual you.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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You already have ideas. Enlightenment is seeing that they aren’t true...seeing what they literally are, what they’re ‘made of’. 



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enlightenment is having right relationship with the now, the path is just to remove everything that prevents the now from being its magnificent self, this has been my daily schedule i have adhered to for past 1.5 years ... still feel i am in very early stages of awakening, have not used any psychedelics or anything ... i tell myself that every minute on the mat melts away the resistance ... will keep on keeping on

8.30-4.30 = bed time

4.30-5.30 = yoga,shower,prayer,breakfast

5.30-7.30 = meditation

7.30-9.00 = online 

9.00-10.00= break exercise brunch 

10.00-12.00=work (home based, am a forex trader) 

12.00-1.00 = break exercise lunch 

1.00-3.00 = meditation

3.00-5.00 = work 

5.00-6.00 = break exercise dinner

 6.00-7.00 = entertainment movie/series

7.00-8.30 = online

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For me, the search for enlightenment starts with self-knowledge. You can learn to observe yourself, become gently more aware, start looking at the origins of the things within you. Organisation is a bit of an illusion along the path, it’s more a question of organic growth. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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Just follow your attraction/joy and ditch all your thoughts about what you think you should do

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