Would studying theology be a toxic life purpose?

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I have developed this nag for the field of theology lately and seem to find a meaning in becoming a theologian at a university.

But I also know that theology can be a very stage blue type thing. Would this constitute a toxic life purpose? I live in Denmark where people aren't that dogmatic, but still I fear it could a trap for me?

So what I see I could do is bring it up to a more nuanced field; more stage yellow, because I also have an innate talent for clarifying to people the "right and the wrong way" (not dogmatic black and white thinking, but a more intelligent perspective-giving.) Do you understand? So I could give my future students a hell of ride in lecturing them a package of theology that completely transforms their lives and perspectives in so many ways, that they'll barely be the same when they started as when they graduate! ;)

I'd like to hear your thoughts please. 


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Not toxic at all.

You bring in the juice. But you have to clarify for yourself what you are really chasing. Perhaps you'd love to teach theology for the sake of it — or perhaps, once you have fulfilled the desire to study about theology, you will have realized it was there to point you to a deeper, more intimate purpose.

Edited by SirVladimir

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Not at all. 

I had a theology professor who I'm convinced is at stage turquoise. He spent a lot of the semester talking about nonduality and occasionally would touch on psychedelics. He also spent a couple years meditating in a monastery. 

I remember he also mentioned that a lot of his colleagues in his department were very materialist and identified with atheism despite doing their work on religion. A lot of them got into the subject because of their interest in history. From my interpretation, a lot of those people also began looking into religion with a critical eye because they were reacting against their stage blue upbringing as they moved into stage orange. 

What I'm trying to say is that whether your studies in theology manifests in a stage blue way is dependent on your stage of development, the way you analyze what you're studying, and what you're insights consist of. 

I have faith in the person I am becoming xD


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