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Serin / Phosphatidyl Serin

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This is my experience with Serin:


So i´m taking 5mg Phosphatidyl Serin since 2 weeks now.

Serin has been prooven to increase neurotransmittersynthesis + dopaminproduction. (you can read arcticles about this stuff yourself if you like)

I feel like i´m just way more intelligent since i take it LOL ... i mean emotionally intelligent that is, i suddenly understand why i DO and don´t do certain things...

Plus i just found a solution 1 week ago how to avoid my addictive behaviour concerning spending time on PC and internet (and IDENTIFIYING IT as a problem was a big step as well) ... this shit will safe me years xD

SO!!! anyone tried it? btw im taking soja-extracted PS...

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I'm doing some research...I like that it's an amino acid precursor found in foods like almonds, chickpeas, eggs, fish, elk, seaweed, etc....I find fermented cod-liver oil really improves my mental function, when I can afford you mean soya extracted?

I just did some more research, showing positive results in mental function, Alzheimer's studies etc...but apparently has nasty side effects if you take too much....use your cautious intuition...coconut oil is also showing great results without the side effects....


Edited by Epiphany_Inspired

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