Edward mahairi

Eben Pagan courses

32 posts in this topic

On 6/9/2021 at 11:54 AM, Leo Gura said:

Save your monies cause a course is coming.

Will the course supersede the Life Purpose Course? As in if contemplating purchasing the LP course then may as well hold off for this course?

What is the time frame on the course being available?

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5 hours ago, b_woo said:

Will the course supersede the Life Purpose Course?

No, they will synergize.

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On 9.6.2021 at 1:43 AM, Thetruthseeker said:

@SoothedByRain yeah I’ve done about 4 of his courses now. Including some where he’s live… and his ‘virtual coach’ 

He is highly intelligent. Very stage yellow and has some amazing things to say. Definitely not a ‘con’ … BUT … he can get super salesy at times and it’s a bit much 

Please don't call PUA and alike highly intelligent, it's a bit insulting, honestly.

Edited by Windappreciator

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1 hour ago, Windappreciator said:

Please don't call PUA and alike highly intelligent, it's a bit insulting, honestly.

This makes no sense. Eben Pagan is the best example of a strong stage yellow. The guy is very smart & hardworking

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31 minutes ago, Hafiz said:

What is the title of the course Leo?

Not gonna say until it's done.

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On 6/8/2021 at 3:39 PM, SoothedByRain said:

His prices are ridiculous over the top fo sure. You'd think that a Stage Yellow person would see the value of spreading wisdom to the masses and he isn't unconscious to this, he speaks of this within his courses, within Seeds of Success. Yet he charges what he does. His talk of spirituality and evolving humanity could be egoic delusion because he is winning in life, at least financially. I can't put it past a human. Maybe he is just so fucking delsuional that he is disconnected from the fact that the majority cannot afford such and that he is pretty much bottle necking wisdom whilst deluding hiimself he is spreading wisdom whilst leeching off the top. I mean.... how else could one justify such prices right? He isn't unware of these things, of how the majority struggle to pay their bills let alone give him thousands, he talks about this all in Money Psych... so wtf. Deluded Ego or Marketing Conman Leech?

Anyone got thoughts or anything I'm missing to add to this because I've thought about this for ages and the only conclusion I can get to is that he is so far removed from financial struggle and so deluded that he thinks his prices are just fine?

Disclaimer: I am not doing the best financially and have never done so, so I struggle to agree with the conclusion... "If you want gold ya gotta invest in it, if you want art, pay up. Don't be stingy. You gotta spend money to make money and thats why you use this Poor Dad talk and this is why you're poor." 

My response to that is Fuck Your Art. Millions live with nothing and we all need all the help we can get and give.

I mean, unless Leo got this from another source prior to Eben. Leo got the wisdom that one should create an outpouring of value for free so that it all comes back... from Eben. This is one of the reasons why Leo posted so much gold for free on youtube.

Deluded Ego or Marketing Conman Leech?

Either way my dudes the content and wisdom is gold......

Probably because he doesn't want the masses to see his lessons because they will get offended or misuse them. RSD Tyler said that after RSD became big he joined groups to network with other CEO's and they had ridiculous prices and rules like if you are late twice you have to pay a huge amount of money. He claims its because they want to keep out average people because they drag everything down.

Edited by Raze

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There are very different self help markets. YT is the cheapest. Eben caters to a small niche of elite customers who are serious business folk. He is not catering to mouthbreathing YTbers who hesitate to pay $1 for an iPhone game.

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I hope your new course will be a similar price as the Life Purpose course. 

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19 hours ago, flume said:

"How To Be An Entrepreneur"

Got that one as a gift. Listened to parts of it, ... yet to take more action on and review.
Feel free to ask questions you have @flume.

Edited by peqkno

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@Himanshu soz for dragging you back into this old one. If you ever get to read this, could you let me know how (in practical terms) you found the course helpful? I am looking at his growth program which is like 2.5K. Do you find it helped you properly your business/practice/thing further? In what way? 

Thanks for any insights you'd be willing to share :)

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