
OSHO explains how to activate the 7 chakras

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First things first, this video is in HINDI. So, I wanted to share this here specially because I find this very valuable and I'll explain what he says here, in a model. I am not posting this in high consciousness resources because I want to talk about and share the model he is proposing. 

I had an awakening last night, the Self-realization(not God-realization) while listening to some music and reading the pinned post on enlightenment by Leo. Just after that, I found this video in my recommended. This video is basically confirmed by the awakening I had before watching the video and another one of God-Realization some weeks back. 

Now what he say about the chakras is different from whatever I thought about them previously. And also makes it easier for me because he straight up says activation comes through inner understanding of certain concepts(I might've verified this firsthand). So basically contemplating on things. Now, I don't think this 'activation' is same as accessing the 'holy shit' possibilities of the chakras that people like to talk about. Activation means like all blockages removed, and is reverberating nice and good. Like the video is more about how to attain the bodies associated with these chakras.

Disclaimer: It may as well be that he is just associating chakras with these to get people to contemplate into these topics for 'powers'. Which is a good strategy ngl.

This model isn't supposed to be linear because I personally haven't and most of you here also haven't experienced it linearly. 

Muladhar (For Material Body):

Possibility given by nature(N.P) = Sexual Attraction, possibility achieved through sadhana/striving(S.P) = Bhramhacharya.

So basically, through total understanding of sexual attraction, you'll become a Bhramhacharya. Osho throughout the video reputedly says to not suppress, but to achieve total understanding into the natural possibilities so they can be transformed into the striving possibility.  

An example he gives is, "You are on your path but you see a boulder blocking your way, you get all upset because you think it is an obstacle, but through total understanding of the rock, you realize you can go climb on it and actually the boulder allows you to go on a higher elevation floor like a stairstep. You realize it's not an obstacle but a possibility. The boulder is still there sitting like before, but you realized it's actually a possibility." 

Swadhishthan (For Etheric Body):

N.P = Anger, S.P = Forgiveness       N.P = Fear, S.P = Non-fear      N.P = Disgust, S.P = Love              N.P = Violence, S.P = Non-Violence

Again he says here to not suppress any of these or you'll just be stuck in them forever. Key is total understanding which will automatically transform these.

Manipur (For Astral Body):

N.P = Doubt, S.P = Faith         N.P = Conceptualizing/Mental-Masturbation, S.P = Actual Wisdom

So, he takes his time to explain Faith here. He says by faith he doesn't mean Dogma or anything. It's something that arises when doubt turns on itself and doubts doubt. When it understands itself, it transforms into Faith. 

Anahata (For Spiritual Body):

N.P = Imagination, S.P = Will             N.P = Dreams, S.P = Vision

Says these transformations result in psychic powers like looking through walls, telepathy, astral projection, remote viewing, long-distance communication. seeing spirits, etc. 

By imagination becoming will he probably means very powerful manifestation. I don't have much experience of this one so can't say much on it.

Vishuddhi (For Soul/Self(Atman) Body)

Activated by: Self-Realization

So here is very accurately describes what I felt just before finding the video. Self-Realization, meaning you realize the True Self. You are in bliss and peace. True Happiness for the first time. You see your true nature. But, a person here might still say there are different Atman in different people. Infinite Selves. In this person's mind, they think he/she realized 'her/his' self only. 

So basically they do see they are one with everything and their true self is infinite and forever, but they still hold the idea of their being other selves in 'other people'. (Though I didn't have this delusion in my awakening last night.)

Biggest obstacle here is the Bliss, Peace, Joy. One might stop here entirely and not go further because all this time the struggle was from suffering. Now they got out so they wanna stay there forever. If one's seeking wasn't orignally for truth but for bliss then they will likely stop here only. He says that it might even take several lives to get sick of yourself/ this bliss to then to go further. But it doesn't have to be the case. I think since we know this trap we can just bypass it. 

Another thing he says is, till Anahata science can explain, research is going on and we can talk about these with language pretty good, but after that, starting here, language starts to breakdown and reaches it's limits. He says science can even reach into researching this too. But not after this. 

Language can be used to describe this and the next 2 ones but, it's gonna be very probelmatic for those who don't realize it already. Language used to describe this and the next two are often contradictory and don't make sense untill realized directly. Language fucks up a lot and creates a lot of delusions explaining these.

Agnya/Agya (For Cosmic Body)

Activated by: God-Realization

Here he says, one realizes "Aham Bhramasmi". There is no you anymore, there is only Bhraman. Only being. Pure being. One can see infinity. Also idea of an 'experience' or 'perception' also breaks down because there is literally only being.

Biggest obstacle here is that this is so full, (since nothing can be outside reality), one doesn't understand how to go further. Basically you can't go more meta than this since it's literally everything, including nothingness.

I, actually experienced this one first hand. So during the God-Realization, when I realized I was completely alone as well, I noticed I felt a very strong magnetic field permeating through my head with the center of head as it's center. I remember thinking "This might be the closest I have gotten to noticing the Agya chakra in direct experience and have activated it.)

OSHO says that someone here will just straight up deny non-being, because by definition, it is not. However, non-being can also be understood and is infact the next realization.

Sahasrar (No Body stated)

Activated by: Realization of Non-being

He says maybe till Agya you could explain a bit in deluded ways but here it is completely impossible. So he doesn't say anything else about this.




Final remarks: I am sharing cuz i find it p accurate cuz of my direct experiences. Just wanted to share cuz I can not find an english version of this video and this just too valuable relatively.

Edited by Swarnim

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