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I'm stressed out of so poor that I am

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I recently got a relocation that I asked in my job, from a very little town to a big city, with the intention of making here possible my LP and also some other self development tasks I have yet to master the next years.

But the problem is, life in this city is much more expensive than where I was living before.

I don't know what to do. I feel so poor.

I've been staying in a friend's house so far.. The room is so small, I have no natural light inside and the bed is also so small and crappy tbh. Lucky that the rest of the house is nice and comfortable and I have a great friendship with my friend.

See my idea was to have this job while I work on my LP in this city, but I am beggining to stress the fuck out because just imagining the idea that I'll have to live like this for maybe 5-10 years it's crazy.

I shared flat everytime I've lived outside my parents house. I thought now with a steady job at least I could have the luxury of living alone. But no. I have to share flat and even that is ludicrous expensive. Fuck this economy man!! W

I mean I could but maybe rent some verhy crappy apartment on my own but if I do that I won't have any savings left at all at the end of the month Lol. No possibility of retreats or maybe even buying clothes lmao. So I have to share flat if I want to have some money left to have proper nutrition and do retreats and work on my LP. Yeah sharing flat is the only option being this poor. Jesus. 

I feel frustrated because I want to make money NOW. I dont want to be this fucking poor for the next 5-10 years until the LP makes me money (if ever does)



Edited by Javfly33

Fear is just a thought

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“When I was quite young and quite small for my size, I met an old man in the Desert of Drize. And he sang me a song I will never forget, at least, well, I haven’t forgotten it yet. He sat in a terribly prickly place, but he sang with a sunny sweet smile on his face…”

“When you think things are bad, when you feel sour and blue, when you start to get mad… You should do what I do! Just tell yourself, Duckie, you’re really quite lucky! Some people are much more…Oh, ever so much more…Oh, muchly much-much more unlucky than you!” - Dr. Seuss

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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Got some “split energy” going on, some focusing on perspectives which don’t feel good and can drain energy, outlook & focus. Focus on why you chose to move there, and following through. Appreciate what you do have. Make short order of the discord of what you don’t want, by writing it down, and deriving more details of what you do want, and only focusing on that. 



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