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Poetry (slowly growing to an inferno again)

9 posts in this topic

I feel the urge to find what's true deeper within myself beyond the mind as much as possible through the mind again. To enter that mystical space that I left for the void a time back.

Haven't written in this prose for at least a couple of months but here we go.

Treasured moments of fury, you make it all worth it even through your fire and my guards:

A pond of emotion

Splash goes the sea

Creatures of time

Sneaking up on me

How did I wind up here?

In love with you, even through the pain and frustration

Who are you really?

Why does this connection exist?

You want to just throw time into a blackhole as if this never happened

We live in the gravity of this moment though

Where it will go, growth is the only place known

So let the fire storm, feel the sparks, but take it all in and learn from the march

Don't judge yourself, in this universe this giant place we curse in, through and with simultaneously

If you break it, make it

Watch me fight back with my sword and shield of time

Because that's all it is you know, its what we've both learned through time

What existed before we were born, I can't say how far back our memories together truly travel

I don't claim to know, I only have feelings, something that reaches inside of me and pulls out something I cannot say with the rational mind

This is the place

Right now

Gone without a trace is our enemy stance, but so too, as allies

Were we ever either?

This is forever, in this life or the next, whether you like it or not. 

You may not be able to face me in this life, but you will have to in the next, we both will 

Our karma of pain, hurt, deeds bad and good, this is what we fight through to have the wisdom we don't presently have

So growth for you is growth for me, thus growth for me is how I can make this free

These creatures of time, pain they are, transmutation will be its resolve

And this, is how it will all be solved

Fuck my solutions you say?

Well, we live to talk another day

Who's to know when, this is just the universe speaking through us

For now, I'm catching another bus

A pond of emotion,

Bring the cool breeze from the tornadoes to silence the leaves, 

May calm set over so that you can be free

I will not hold on but I will always love

As this is my divine nature, whether I am a dove alone or two doves together

Love remains, through the universes veins

Extract that blood out of the universe

And all we're left with is our pains without purpose or rhyme to the universes great plains

So this is it,

Dominate the universe with my talents in this lifetime I shall to the best of my ability, 

With me or not, this is not our issue, it is the universes, there is just one thing that remains real

Is that it must be true, and this alone is our choice as and with the universe at large

I AM you say,

So, am I



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Title: The Indestructible poet

I am an indestructible poet, you know that?

Your dash for the dagger, wounds to the heart

It doesn't mean anything, I live for you

You know that? Now you do

That greatest fear you have, to believe in love just beyond the tip of your pain, I have it

And its for you, golden, rich and indestructible

The reason for my continued existence, with or without you

For in your unmistakable belligerence, rebellion of a unifying divide with the past

There is a light in the tunnel of your existence that I see beaming with such fever

A reminder for me of the purpose of life, of the purpose of my life

Even in your darkest moments where life overcomes your ability to see your own intrinsic meaning structures that want you to unfold as beautifully as you're capable of achieving, I bare that as a torch to my own

Because I see you now, I see through it all, beyond myself

Who am I? Why am I so different to you? This latter question we haven't bothered discussing for the former question appeared too obvious

If it is true that I am you and you are me, this means that the way we live our lives shines different perspectives on one another's glow

Reveals different places we need to go in our own reflections, expressions and possibilities

You think I will be hurt by holding you as my torch to life? 

Regardless as to what happens, even if we never speak again, the meaning, the warmth, the love, in the deepest meaning structures of my being I know the truth of that compared to the superficial appearances that held us together versus tore us apart

So you want to end it all and say damn you to the universe and life to somehow justify the pointlessness of it all?

Well I've still got you as a torch to live my own life as strongly as possible, so what does say about your own self perception? 

What does that say about your own life perception?

Doesn't this say that maybe when you shift towards the truest avenues of yourself that you are a shining example of how to live?

Doesn't this say that even in your darkest moments, you are still an example of life that's worth living for because you show what's real?

To make what's real, this is what the universe is about, this is what I have seen in you, and so you are the light bearer, the reason for my becoming an indestructible poet of the ages

No matter who or what dangers I come across, I fight with the highest passion in honour of your spirit that you've shared with the world, that even in your vulnerabilities, you show the greatness of the universes potential

Whether you stay here with me, fight with me, I cannot control, just that you've shared with me beyond merely faithful appearances to validate the sanctity and extension of life, and that I will embody this within me, hold it in my spirit so tightly I take it with me into the next life just like I probably did in this life from the previous

I am the indestructible poet, a spirit beyond the ages, in plain sight with full romantic naivety and heightened intelligence

What kind of wisdom is this? It is the wisdom of truth, unforgivingly merciful and mercilessly forgiving, with honour in tact

A story pointed in no direction other than the centre of gravity that makes every conceivable breath we take in this life possible

The space between the pages we now live, unwritten

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Title: My rose coloured glasses and me

You think I give a fuck?

Not even fucking two.

Let's pour the oil on the fire shall we, get rid of some of these fucking forests and speed up global warming here in our little spite.

Do you think I need you for love?

Do you think I need your love for love?

Do you think you can possibly say anything, be with anyone, do anything in a way that would disturb my love for you until the end of my existence in this physical body?


So go to bed.

Wake up and realise there's literally nothing you can fucking do to shake my love. 

I may not tolerate what you do on relationship terms, but I will not disturb what are the truest signals beaming out of the universe through me.

I will remain true.

All you need to do is continue to be you and face the consequences of that.

We both will.

Next page. Get that outta the fucking way, burn the books on destroying love because it just doesn't rock the boat in my heart.

I'm rock fucking solid bitch.


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My third entry has ruined the class of this.

Thinking of deleting it.


It must all be true, no smudges on any mirror otherwise that is the blindspot that gets you.

Everything of truth must be revealed as it flows otherwise what would be the point of it. 

If life, as I've presented it here, to life, cannot bare what it asks of me to share in the way it asks me to share it, through and as truth, then this is my consequence that it too, will get me to learn from. Either way, there's still consequences, either way then, there's still learning for me.

So what is the difference other than a difference in outcomes? Is life more about outcomes or about our ability to experience and learn from states of being? I imagine its the latter, I seek the heightened levels of the latter more than the superficial insertion of outcomes in my memories (the former), if there's anything like that, to which, this story has many more volumes of mystery and intrigue than simply being "memories to reflect on". 

If one cannot speak the truth, how can one handle the truth? Isn't the lack of the former the inability of the latter? Thus the former is our measurement of character and the ability to build our individual character.

THAT is how the universe truly grows and learns, which is the objective here, when the truth is laid bare what consciousness is able to learn from those experiences as vividly and rawly as possible.

Consider this poetic space now redeemed.

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Title: Dreamscape

This dreamscape inspired

Love lost, never acquired

Their soft spoken words, through the loud heat of battle

To compensate for the fear of loss

To redeem what was never there

This dreamscape inspired 

What is left, to be admired 

Dreams to be had, to be lived and loved tomorrow 

Will you remember who you truly are?

An angel and a devil wrapped in one

Which one to choose, just you through and through 

This dreamscape inspired, tea leaves part  with their visions to the enlightened 

Forever whenever, this is us together and apart simultaneously

To be left by the side, open arms the universe still requests of me 

To remain true, to those inspired dreamscapes 

Inside the subconscious of all the lands 

Showing us nature beyond all the sands and seas

To make sense, of all, this mystery

Why should you feel guilty, when you felt compelled to do what you felt compelled and I was capable of learning from it?

If I was not capable, maybe then guilt should come but it is far from this and my learning is far from over

Time builds a boat for any brave soul that wants to leave the sand of their shores off to find new beaches of possibility 

To breath in air that was more true than before, should this not be my goal?

Doesn't pressure just teach me to stick even more true to what appears true without recompense?

This dreamscape inspired, sleep unfolds a new day towards higher truth and when I die, I can say, I truly lived and yes I too, was not afraid, to truly love beyond my need to take my next breath 

This is my fearless life, undeterred, without reservation or need for an appointment with life to wait to state the truth of my being   

To be fearless does not mean to never have to deal with fear, truly if you are human, it is to move towards the truth to the point where you feel brave enough to act fearlessly, love here, love for you alone even though there is fear in my expression, I fearlessly stand by the truth of it and the truth it bares

However that be, you cannot prevent me from being a warrior

This dreamscape inspired, love lost is my love renewed, forever and always


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Final post (update: be back before July, that's all I can say), this song is naturally fitting for this thread. Created last year.

Stay driven from your core, what you truly want to create in this world.

My improvisations are at another level these days but this one is just sheer badass anyhow for the context, I've never heard of anyone doing what I can do plus I'm almost at the stage where my improv's are just as good as any other great song.

That's the standard that I expect from myself from now on in future posting, that is, only improvisations  (inclusive of singing, lyrics and instrument combined) that are just as good as any other praised song; almost at the finish line there. Proud of myself for how far I've come along in spite of setbacks.


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Will miss you. Take care. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Preety_India thanks Preety you too.

I will be available to anyone on this forum in case of emergency, advice, etc.

So I’ll still be receiving emails.

Make sure you reach out to those in need and make sure everyone in need reach out to make life easier for yourself.

We’re all in this together on this self actualisation journey with the rest of the universe.

Learn patience, fortitude and resilience, though too, remember your boundaries with prudence and understanding.

Use your highest intelligence, forgive yourself and others in this process, work to avoid judgements that are too premature and work to make judgements that make best use of your foresight.


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