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Former Heroin Addict Given Another Chance At Life

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Hello to all!

My name is Peter and I used to have a serious problem with opiates. I have been clean for some time but have had a radical change in my mental state just 3 days ago. This happened because just 3 days ago, a music producer friend of mine sent me videos about social dynamics. I was sober but still shy, assumptions and socially conditioned to behave and feel a certain way. The first video blew me away and this hole self-improvement attitude started to unroll. 

I started doing what I wanted and instead of an angry world I saw people that were willing to be friends and help. I wont go into detail but my whole world just turned upside down. I felt like I was above the bull shit. 

Just an hour ago, my other producer friend send me the "Mechanics of Belief" video. I got the message loud and clear. I want to squeeze every experience I can out of life DIRECTLY. 

Talk soon!

Edited by SimpleTruth

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Just stay vigilant.

A problem that deep isn't gonna be fixed with just a few videos.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I disagree. I have been working on myself for some time now and your videos are just the latest discovery. My soul hasn't changed, but my mind definitely has.  It's hard to put it in words. I experienced ego death before on psychedelics, but this is bigger . What my experience was yesterday changed the way I think so much, that I cannot relate to anyone so far but you. 


I have not tried 5-meo because i'm not at that place yet however I am now open to it and everything that is possible and impossible.




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@SimpleTruth Hello Peter!

Nice to hear from you - great to hear your story!  How do you think we can help/support each other?  Is there anything you want help from from us?  As someone who is playign around with ideas of self-identification, I would love to hear about any radical shifts you're willing to share over the last 24 hours! :D

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@Telepresent You ready for this? Simply tell the truth. It's as easy as that. I actually came to that realization after starting social dynamics videos that a friend sent to me. I was always shy and afraid of my emotions, so I suppressed them. You have to be comfortable emotionally to tell yourself the truth and accept it. I could talk for hours about this and it's still not very coherent. Not lying made life simple, fun and interesting. 

I now look people in the eyes. Dress the way I really want. Do what I want no matter what the social "standard" is. Obviously it doesn't apply everywhere.

I love people; don't want to be alone just high and not caring about anything. 

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6 minutes ago, SimpleTruth said:

@Telepresent You ready for this? Simply tell the truth. It's as easy as that.

Nice.  I'm playing around with and exploring this at the moment: so if you don't mind, I'd like to play with ideas of truth for a little bit.  What is your perspective on what truth is?  Mine is very direct-experience based, even if it involves uncomfortable and difficult emotions, but it feels lie you have a slightly different perspective?  I'd like to toss the frisbee around if you're game?

Edited by Telepresent

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@SimpleTruth Truth is a deep rabbit hole and its the only way forward.
I watched almost every video, and half of the time i spend (meteorically seeking) a hour saying OMG OMG OMG after watching one.
It is unimaginable how much you are lying to yourself on a daily bases. The good news do, is that as soon as you find out you can simply stop doing it.

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@Telepresent Sure, I am open to any discussion. From my perspective, Truth is when you are honest with yourself. 100% honest, no matter how uncomfortable that may make you feel. Truth is just accepting the world (and your personality!) for what it is and accepting the fact that you can't change the world, and the people in it. Truth is common sense and rational thought.


@Bob84 Yes and no. You start to catch yourself first, and recognize that what you are thinking is just your ego lying to YOU. For example, when I had struggled with heroin addiction, that little voice inside my head always won. That voice just wanted to get high, cause I felt like shit without the drug.

So what happened to me is, I started to recognize the voice more and more frequently and call it out on the bullshit thoughts it tries to feed me. 


Truth is ultimately accepting Life for what it is, and dropping unrealistic expectations; Living in the moment instead of inside your head. 

It just become common sense. The less I try to be different than everyone else, the easier life got. 

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