
Where Is My Time Going??!!

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Hello, I'm Lorcan I am 14 years old.

My Problem is that I find myself lacking time.

At get out of school at 3:20 and I get home at around 3:30-4:00.

My Routine after school consists of 

  • Homework(30 minutes)
  • Exercise(25-30 minutes of weight/pushups and 10 minutes of cardio jogging)
  • Meditation(30minutes)
  • Eating Dinner/otherstuff(30 minutes roughly)

I had a reading habit but I cut this out on the weekdays due to lack of time.

So if all these things in total take me roughly 2 hours to complete, why I am finding my self not finished these things until 9:00 - 10:00?

Am I procrastinating? I am pretty sure I am not, I have not watched any TV and only went on youtube to get tutorials relating to the exercise I do.

Where is my time going. Do I need to work longer?

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@Lorcan Maybe you have leprechauns stealing it lol only you can tell man, maybe you're overextending in your things, its tough to realize that you can't do everything in one day so you can learn from what you're living.

What i like to do is put in my calendar app how i'm going to use my time and then stick to it, no more time no less, that way you can make it a habit and start making it on automatic.

Don't give up and keep trying, that is a good way to "know yourself".


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One time I wrote down every single thing I did over a week. I included every single minute. I was shocked at how much time was wasted on things like social media.   I closed down my Facebook account 6 months ago and have never looked back. 

Edited by Xpansion

Wisdom is settling in and experiencing reality in the moment.

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you didnt account for all the shit that takes time but you dont actively think about. So you wake up at 5:30am probably take an hour to take a shower get dressed and eat breakfast puts you at 6:30-6:45 ish and then your commute to school, which starts at probably 7:30? then the commute back home by 4:30 ? then you probably dont go straight to the activities listed you might text, talk to your family, eat dinner, take a night time shower, sometimes they may take longer too because you probably have interruptions from various sources all that stuff is taking your time away 6 hours is not really a long time and thats all you have if you account for 4pm to 10pm. TIme management is key 

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@Lorcan Hello!  I'm sorry, the answer I wrote below (while relecant to you) was more about me.  What a boob.

The only answer I can offer right now, reading your shit, is that no, you are not procrastinating longer.  Procrastination is important, so long as you know when you are doing it and for how long it should last.

What's been talked about above is really useful.  But if you haven't explored it yet: have you asked your parents this question yet?  Because they are probably in a better position to help you work out how to maximise your time, and I imagine they will be thrilled with a teen who wants to work out how to split his time effectively between health/family/& mental health.  It may just be worth telling them you're conscious of these things.  I expect you parents will be thrilled you're thinking about your ongoing relationship with them

Edited by Telepresent

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11 hours ago, Telepresent said:

@Lorcan Hello!  I'm sorry, the answer I wrote below (while relecant to you) was more about me.  What a boob.

The only answer I can offer right now, reading your shit, is that no, you are not procrastinating longer.  Procrastination is important, so long as you know when you are doing it and for how long it should last.

What's been talked about above is really useful.  But if you haven't explored it yet: have you asked your parents this question yet?  Because they are probably in a better position to help you work out how to maximise your time, and I imagine they will be thrilled with a teen who wants to work out how to split his time effectively between health/family/& mental health.  It may just be worth telling them you're conscious of these things.  I expect you parents will be thrilled you're thinking about your ongoing relationship with them

I do not go to my parents for advice, when they give advice it is mediocre/obvious advise that does not really help anyone. How many millions of parents have said to their kids "Try your best" or something of the likes and ended up overall unhappy. 

Trying your best would be extremely difficult, I think the advice try your best is put way out of context. Trying your best takes huge resilience and enduring of suffering that most people would not be able to endure. See, parents give advice on what to do, but now on how to do it.

Do. I have found that Leo's advice is much more valuable then my parents because it is less vague and more how to. Even though I will admit, some of Leo's advice is very vague. Also Leo's advice is not quick 1 or 2 liner advice. It 15 minute to 1hour and a half long advice.

Also I am skeptical of any advice my parents give me. Seeing how they ended up. I do not want to end up like them.


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@Lorcan Hi! You can not plan your life with mathematical precision since to many events occur and things constantly change. A robot would take roughly 2 hours to do that (calculating traveling time, etc). But you are not a robot, nor should you be one. Im sure that if you take a stopwatch or timer you are able to find out exactly where your time is going.

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