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Thought Art

Our Oceans are Being Destroyed

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 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Yes, it's nothing new unfortunately, I did't watch the first vid till the end, but the fact that we have 'Garbage islands' floating around in oceans disgusts me, and I feel triggered by people that are throwing their garbage in the water or litter.



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One of the consequences of most people seeing others adopt and then following the tribe and adopting themselves the hegemonic culture of the hedonistic and unreflective consumer lifestyle from which they derive pleasure of enduring the hardships of work in a global capitalist culture and economy. 

One of the solutions for this problem on a microlevel is adopting a self-sustained individualism and individual lifestyle of rejecting these dominant values and norms and overcoming the socially accepted addictions that serve the lone individual of enduring the hardships and uncertainties that they face in their lives by wanting to live, succeed and prosper in this dominant system and that serve the function of keeping the dominant pleasure inducing culture of mass unchecked and unreflective consumerism afloat. 

Edited by Milos Uzelac

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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39 minutes ago, Milos Uzelac said:

One of the solutions for this problem on a microlevel is adopting a self-sustained individualism and individual lifestyle

So how do you see this could be applied practically? To go live in the forest, grow mushrooms, hunt/gather & wear animal skin as clothing?

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18 minutes ago, meow_meow said:

So how do you see this could be applied practically? To go live in the forest, grow mushrooms, hunt/gather & wear animal skin as clothing?

This maybe possible for middle-class people in developed countries to sell everything that they own and take this radical step with a partner that shares the same vision and beliefs about the necessities for it with them. 

You don't have to be middle class even but I think at the most you most have enough savings, a carefully developed and informed, from other few people who live such a lifestyle, plan and some starting and basic know-how to take the necessary first radical steps. 

I don't know for myself I thought maybe I would sell my property in the city and buy a cheap house in the rural countryside in the country in which I live in but I don't have a developed plan of going about this and information from and enough knowledge gained from other people in living such a lifestyle so currently I am to following rhythm, to a more less extent, of the consumer culture lifestyle here in the city in which I live with my dad and grandmother. 

In short I have two radically different plans for my long term future either moving to work anything in a developed first-world economy at some point in the next couple of years or selling property that I share with my family in the city and moving into the countryside. 

But not to avoid my personal responsibility but I think this topics problem is a lot more prescient for people who do not live in a landlocked country with only one big river flow to the sea and that already live relatively stable working class with savings or middle class lifestyles in metropolitan and urban areas in first world mostly industrialized and with large global economic impact developed first world nations who are worried and feel the the most guilt about the impact of their consumer lifestyle on a global level. 

Edited by Milos Uzelac

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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On 27/03/2021 at 0:04 PM, Thought Art said:


It's all horrifying. It goes without saying that from a broader perspective both the west and the east are definitely deluded when it comes to fishing. Bullshit.


Love and Life


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Okay guys! Let's get to work! 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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