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I need a stage Red boyfriend - who will give me tough love!

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12 hours ago, Hardkill said:

You really want to subject yourself to such danger?

What danger? 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Selecting the headgear for Queen Renelia 

And selecting dresses that she will wear










































Queen aesthetics green 






INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Another headgear piece for Queen Renelia 




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The place where Queen Renelia will live. The Tiaghlowe Palace 






















 outside view of the Tiaghlowe Palace 




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I need stage Red guy with a golden heart at stage Green xD

That is 


He energy and vibe should be stage Red. 

But his heart should be stage Green xD


(aka bad boy with a golden heart) 


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I usually get attracted to the hero leader knight in shining Armour Viking Caveman type of men and their Dom energy. 



My ex boyfriend Joseph was a Norwegian. He had that Viking type of energy. Very attractive to me. But I don't want asshole



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Since I'm a weak woman, I have a submissive nature, meek personality, shy introverted 

I always need a father figure or bad boy disciplinarian strong man to handle me. 

He will have to be tough with me in order for me to snap out of my laziness and weakness. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Aww thank you guy. 


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Imported from another journal. 

Porco - typical rough guy 

. Derek - tamer energy guy 

Derek inspires me to achieve more. 

Wes - like the character in the song. Mischievous, player, flirty, possessive. Protective in a sneaky weird way. 


Xyme - true lover, robotic, understanding, accommodating, non judgemental and dearly in love. Brave. Generous Macho. Ultimate lover. Caring. My true soul mate and healer. Not very emotional or bitchy. Perfect for me. 



Edited by Preety_India

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I really like this combo of masculine energies 


Of course there can be more and more like a stage Green guy who is interested in community peace hippie culture. 

But I don't know.. 

I can have 2 more. 

Filip - the stage Green kind of guy. Hippie energy. But this is vaguely stereotypical conceptualization. 


Zaiden - my true soul mate from a past birth. The ancient guy. Playful protective. Loving. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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So I got 6 masculine energies now 









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Porco's masculine energy inspires me to be strong. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Yes my boyfriend needs to be having some violent energy. 

It's tough. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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3 hours ago, Preety_India said:


Romanticising images of a violent looking boyfriend. 

(Okay, I don't really want him to be violent, like who wants that, I just want the flavor and vibe of a guy who is super dominating and tyrannical in a violent way, kinda killer brutal look ) 


These images perfectly fit my imagination. 



























3 hours ago, Preety_India said:


So traits of this less than ideal but ideal boyfriend. 

  • Dangerous 
  • Cavalier 
  • Possessive (psycho) 
  • Violent (vibe) 
  • Mean 
  • Bully 
  • Protective 
  • Mentor 



I want my future boyfriend to have a sense of ownership, like he is owning me every time, both sexually, mentally and emotionally. Psychically. 

Someone who is supposed to drag me out of my darkness by being a Darth Vader of Darkness himself. 


The Violent Romeo. The Tyrannical Lover. The Mentor. The Disciplinarian. The Tamer. The Bitch. The Oppressor. The beast. The Punisher. The  brute. The bully. The creep. The Powerful. The Tyrant. 




3 hours ago, Preety_India said:

I want a boyfriend who knows how to put me in place when I'm going out of line or getting cocky or frivolous. 








6 minutes ago, Preety_India said:


So this is the physical description of the guy. 

I'm thinking about his physical attributes. More like in the pictures above. Men don't realize this but looks can be a killer, like that curtain haircut on the guy. Johnny Depp always has that. Haha, guy knows girls still like him from Edward Scissorhands. He was my crush when I saw him in that movie for a few weeks. Dude can pull off the desperate Romeo look. 

So the other physical attributes are 

Skinny. Tall skinny. Not too tall. I'm 5, 6" so maybe a couple inches more like my ex was 5, 9"and he considered himself short. So maybe 5,11" or 6. 

Then hair color and eye color doesn't matter, whatever it may be. 

But needs to have a killer look in his eyes. Like staring straight into my face and eyes. He got that look. 

Skinny but athletic. I don't want a skinny feeble guy, nothing wrong with it, but I don't feel like he can sexually conquer me in bed if he is lanky slim and no muscle. Like what will I hold during sex? I don't want to see a plain boy chest with no manly muscles (thin arms like tentacles, oh no, that would be a pity) need natural grown man muscle on his arm, not too much muscle, not that gym muscles, no no, that's a no no, that's artificial and cringey, I don't want buff,... skinny, muscular athletic is just fine, I don't want any extra muscle, I want to be able to touch his arms and play with him. 

Nice lips. Because kissing is my main thing. 

Eyes are the most important because that makes all the difference. Piercing eyes that are fiery when he looks at me like he is going to kill me just with his stare alone. Intimidating. Serious look. Yea. 

Flat checks. His face has to be flat. Because any mass on his face will ruin the killer punk look. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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My God, if this guy wasn't in the movies, I wouldn't have been able to nail down my perfect punk  psycho boyfriend look. 

This character got layers of Wes (from earlier posts) 


What should I call him? 

Wrett. That's what I can think of. Pronounced as Rett. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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So yea I was talking about Wrett. 

My imaginary boyfriend.  

Will Wrett last out at me because I slept off when he came to visit me?

I felt his anger. 

As though he came up to me and said "f you b*tch"

But then he lovingly gazed into my eyes and reassured me that everything was okay. 

I look into his eyes. I feel his protective gaze. 



Like he is telling me "I won't abandon you oK"

Because he was the only one who could break through my shyness and introversion and get to me. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I felt very lonely, scared, frightened and abandoned. And during those moments Wrett was with me. 

He would gently caress my forehead while I cried and tell me he is there. There was nothing to worry when I was in his arms. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Wrett why don't you come back and say to me that you love me. 

Why can't I be with you?

Why do you disappear and I keep craving and longing for you?



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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