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Law of attraction I figured it out

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So I was hoping Leo could get back to me I saw his video saying law of attraction wasn't real so I studied both sides the bad and the good and it all makes perfect sense ... and I've had immense life changes ... your programmed from birth to be poor by the schools and society that don't have your interest in mind and destroy critical thinking never teach you about your higher factuallys that's why 1 percent owns most of the world's money  your sub concious mind is programed by your environment and interactions so from age 2 to 6 and beyond your brain washed by society... what is wrong what is right what is possible what isn't what you should do always having people telling you what you should do installing paradigms which ultimately limits your ability of realizing that your infinite consciousness searching for self-love and actualiznation having a temporary human experience and   no one else creates your own reality but you unless you give them consent when all you want is love deep down and then these billionaires that do this send you into a endless loop of consumerism (aka quick dopamine blasts) to dumb you down when everything is inside you if everyone could love themselves fully we wouldn't need to be dived and ruled aka race another paradigm made to keep you farther apart from people and not to mention time doesn't exist it is quite obvious everything is infinite and all time is .. is change we live in a eternal universe everything is recycled and infinite in nature if you study psychics.... then theres the if something isn't scientific it isn't real paradigm that is made mandatory in school destroying your sub concious and independent thought more...and it has been proven that everything is vibration you can feel yourself...your cells are concious your imagination /memory is qoute on quote time and space and everything that could happen has happened does that mean the law of attraction will work everytime or give you whatever you want you have to act you have to be on a certain vibration as if it already happened I've had miracles happen for me  but it correlates with our whole YOUniverse Aswell as almost all religions ancient texts and  civilizations reference energy heavily I can go more into detail if you'd like 

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