
Muslim woman feels liberated wearing a niqab

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The woman who runs this channel wears a niqab which is a face covering that is worn in the Islam religion. It is so interesting. 



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@Flowerfaeiry You could have a society where they murder every 3rd child to please the wind gods, and it's possible you could have a kid saying he feels empowered knowing he's going to serve the wind god with his sacrifice.


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"I have a lot of wants and desires that I want to do, but I can't because of religion but it's okay because I'll get to do them in paradise."

That's very liberating, I guess... xD

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2 hours ago, vladorion said:

"I have a lot of wants and desires that I want to do, but I can't because of religion but it's okay because I'll get to do them in paradise."

That's very liberating, I guess... xD

Wait til she gets 72 virgin guys whom turn out to be eunuchs. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Survival is often counter intuitive. There are extremist Muslims ready to blow themselves up in the name of Allah and that is liberating to them.

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And I feel liberated wearing pants. Mystery solved.

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As someone who lives in iran, a country with mandatory hijab, I get what she is saying. But still, its complete nonsense! Human mind can make up tons of different ideas which make his mind feel good or secure, it doesn't mean that the idea is not bullshit.


12 minutes ago, Rilles said:

And I feel liberated wearing pants. Mystery solved.

Same here :))

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3 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Flowerfaeiry You could have a society where they murder every 3rd child to please the wind gods, and it's possible you could have a kid saying he feels empowered knowing he's going to serve the wind god with his sacrifice.


Have heard that familes killed their firstborn son in a sort of detachment practice. It had something with ancient christianity to do, but i do not remember exactly.

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Whatever truly feels good to her. That's no one's business. Hurts to see people, who are forced to wear hijabs/niqabs though.

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56 minutes ago, EmptyVase said:

Whatever truly feels good to her. That's no one's business. Hurts to see people, who are forced to wear hijabs/niqabs though.

Actually one of the premises of the channel is that it is her choice to wear hijab/niqab. She often reiterates that no one forced her. 

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1 minute ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

Actually one of the premises of the channel is that it is her choice to wear hijab/niqab. She often reiterates that no one forced her. 

Its important to be nuanced about that I think, you dont know a muslim womans story so you shouldnt think off the bat that she is being oppressed, some people are just deeply religious. Personally I dont like that women have to cover their beautiful faces but thats none of my fucking business. :D

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2 hours ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

Actually one of the premises of the channel is that it is her choice to wear hijab/niqab. She often reiterates that no one forced her. 

That's actually what I wanted to praise. If she feels good in a hijab/niqab, then that's great. And it should be no one's business to assess anything - as it should be her choice only.

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When from childhood you are given a narrative of how world is like, how society is like how system is like and you have to believe it as truth and acts accordingly it feels very liberating eventhough it limit yourself.

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9 hours ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

Actually one of the premises of the channel is that it is her choice to wear hijab/niqab. She often reiterates that no one forced her. 

There is a Yt girl named dina tokio who got into yt mainstream by doing videos on various ways to wear hijab and other trends, one day after years decided to remove her hijab and people praising her modesty and humblness started slut shaming her. 


I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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5 hours ago, Harikrishnan said:

When from childhood you are given a narrative of how world is like, how society is like how system is like and you have to believe it as truth and acts accordingly it feels very liberating eventhough it limit yourself.

But thats just society in general, like I said, noone is forcing you to wear pants, there is nothing morally wrong with being naked, yet you put on your pants in the morning without even thinking about it. Perhaps Hijab is no different, they just think that is so obvious that women should wear it, it feels weird not to, and then they make up excuses as to why women who dont wear hijab are sexualised immoral brainwashed westerners.

Edited by Rilles

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7 hours ago, Rilles said:

But thats just society in general, like I said, noone is forcing you to wear pants, there is nothing morally wrong with being naked, yet you put on your pants in the morning without even thinking about it. Perhaps Hijab is no different, they just think that is so obvious that women should wear it, it feels weird not to, and then they make up excuses as to why women who dont wear hijab are sexualised immoral brainwashed westerners.

Yeah thanks for opening me up to pants thing, we are from childhood forced to wear pants or shorts and shamed for running around naked. 

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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Hijabs and Niqabs are pretty clothing garments. I always thought so, even as a kid. It's not surprising to me that someone would prefer to wear one. 

I always found it weird that, when Muslim women choose to wear them, everyone is quick to jump to oppression over her being able to make her own decision about what she wears... even if she says so.

Yet again, I've worn dresses, corsets, heals, and make-up before and had people swear up and down that I'm choosing that because women are oppressed and that I've been programmed to think I have to. But this viewpoint is so disempowering.

So, if a Muslim woman tells me that she's wearing a Hijab or Niqab because she likes to, I remember how I don't like people to insinuate that I'm making my clothing choices because of oppression, and I take her word for it. It's not the most outlandish thing to consider that someone might want to wear one. 

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15 hours ago, Emerald said:

Hijabs and Niqabs are pretty clothing garments. I always thought so, even as a kid. It's not surprising to me that someone would prefer to wear one. 

I always found it weird that, when Muslim women choose to wear them, everyone is quick to jump to oppression over her being able to make her own decision about what she wears... even if she says so.

Yet again, I've worn dresses, corsets, heals, and make-up before and had people swear up and down that I'm choosing that because women are oppressed and that I've been programmed to think I have to. But this viewpoint is so disempowering.

So, if a Muslim woman tells me that she's wearing a Hijab or Niqab because she likes to, I remember how I don't like people to insinuate that I'm making my clothing choices because of oppression, and I take her word for it. It's not the most outlandish thing to consider that someone might want to wear one. 

They call it a 'symbol of patriarchal oppression' because the point of it is to fully cover a woman and to not show her figure, her hair, basically to not have her sex-appeal show when she leaves the house. Especially the part about 'hiding your hair because it attracts male attention' is particularly egregious to this specific tradition. It's a religious garb, which is why it doesn't generally come in different colors and shapes and sizes. Generally, women of one community will wear a hijab of only one color, say black, or violet, or some really dull and dark and boring color with low-quality cloth. No embroidery, even. Full sleeves. Wtf is this shit?! That's what I used to think when I first learned about it.

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