
Vaush, The Rate Of Male Virginity Is SKYROCKETING

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I'd be very careful listening to videos like that it's very self deceiving. Basiclly if you can't get laid its actually more to do with issues within self and sexual confidence, embodied your masculinity, being able to deal with rejection ect. This is just a very refined version of victim mentality. 

I use to be all of the above, went out for a few years and fixed it and now getting laid is the easiest thing in the world. 

Save yourself the trouble and vow never to wast your time and energy on red pill stuff again 

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Any time spent in front of a computer screen reading articles, discussing on forums, or watching videos...........

is zero time spent outside, interacting with the other sex, helping you build relationships and get laid.

As much as there are definite factors with technology and society, the brutal truth is this is a 100% personal issue that is solving by simply taking action.

Of course the young men suffering won't want to admit this, they'll have a list of limiting beliefs and a victim identity they want to maintain without even knowing it.

Edited by Roy


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Millions of angry incel men. What could go wrong? Nothing they are probably expandables.

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Yeah, I noticed the dynamic is just different these days in the US. I’m assuming this statistic is from the US? Dating is kinda strange in the US rn. The masculine/feminine dynamic is odd and the women just don’t seem that interested in men in general and men seem to sort of act the same. Just this weird neutral dynamic where men don’t pursue like they used to and women seem more on guard for their safety. I’m comparing this to what I’ve seen in other countries. The dynamic definitely feels different in the US compared to other places. People ofc are still dating but I wonder why it seems like a lot of guys are having problems? It’s apparently gonna be a huge epidemic in China and India where there are more guys than girls. In the USA it’s at least even.

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What do you expect to happen when most of dating in developed countries is done via online dating which is fundamentally fucked if you are NOT an attractive guy and all behavior that makes guys attractive is demonized and criticized.

Remove online dating, force people to go out and  act like strong men (not sjw pussies)  and see how that rate will plumit fast.

Edited by Karmadhi

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10 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Remove online dating, force people to go out

Just take away the internet all together.  We all be addicted to this forum ?



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@intotheblack hahahahahaah nah just online dating is enough. It makes people too lazy to go out when free pussy is promised to them

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Why should women even like men? There is no real need anymore. It is obvious men are not really sexy except maybe for gay men.

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53 minutes ago, Epikur said:

Why should women even like men? There is no real need anymore. It is obvious men are not really sexy except maybe for gay men.

You do realize that straight and bi-sexual women are attracted to men and find them sexy, right? 

Just because you don't find men attractive, doesn't mean that the majority of women don't. 

But this is always my gripe. Straight men genuinely don't understand what's attractive about men. And so they do a bunch of stuff that they think will make them more attractive that will actually do the opposite.  

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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16 minutes ago, Emerald said:

 And so they do a bunch of stuff that they think will make them more attractive that will actually do the opposite.  


Or they then only attract a certain type or women that are conditioned to find those things attractive because they think those markers reflect on their own worth too. It creates this entire culture where all kinds of unnecessary work is done, and an immense amount of thought and effort goes into something that's already inherently effortless and so beautifully NATURAL. 

Stems from trying to think one's value instead of just realizing and being one's value. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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3 hours ago, Emerald said:

But this is always my gripe. Straight men genuinely don't understand what's attractive about men. And so they do a bunch of stuff that they think will make them more attractive that will actually do the opposite.  

what is attractive about men? please put it in layman's terms. 

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3 hours ago, Emerald said:

You do realize that straight and bi-sexual women are attracted to men and find them sexy, right? 

Just because you don't find men attractive, doesn't mean that the majority of women don't. 

But this is always my gripe. Straight men genuinely don't understand what's attractive about men. And so they do a bunch of stuff that they think will make them more attractive that will actually do the opposite.  

Funny thing is women understand what attracts men because it is obvious. But what attracts women a lot of books have been written but well exercise in futility. What helps is when women get testosterone shots. That makes them more attracted.

Edited by Epikur

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On 26.03.2021 at 0:48 AM, Karmadhi said:

It makes people too lazy to go out when free pussy is promised to them

It's not just a matter of going out. You have to know techniques/methods to attract women (or be very good looking), otherwise not much gonna happen by just going out

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

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