
Walking through walls, biolocation & laws of nature

16 posts in this topic

I read about people walking through walls, biolocating their bodies, repeating the word love and floating.

I was wondering if these things are really possible?

Can our minds alter the laws of nature?

If so how would it be done?

Thank you

Edited by freejoy

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We are the entire energy of the life force of the universe.  We are our own law of physics.  We've just forgotten who we are.  When we wake up during meditation, or by way of some trigger to the fact that we control it all, then it is quite possible to do these things.  Mystics have done these very things for ages.  The most current mystic I know of who died just a few years ago is The Honorable David R. Hawkins M.D.  who had mystical experiences since he could remember.  He used to leave his body and just explore our solar system and galaxy as a small child.  He thought he was just normal.  But when he realized that others didn't do that, he quit.  He was a religious boy as a kid, and during a blizzard while he was out delivering newspapers, he dug into a large bank of snow to protect himself and had a very moving out of body experience where he experienced God.  Just as he was asked if he wanted to stay, his father found him and took him home.  Later in his teen years he had a vision of suffering humanity and immediately became atheist.  At one point he became an alcoholic and had to attend AA to overcome it.  He became a psychiatrist and had a very prosperous practice when all of a sudden he had an urgent calling to leave and go to Sedona.  He gave his wife his practice and took off in a borrowed rust bucket pickup driving from NY all the way to Sedona.  Whenever his truck broke down, somehow the right tools or parts appeared and he'd fix it.  He stayed in an abandoned ranch house a friend of his owned in Sedona.  He had no money and often he and his roommate had no food, but he mostly forgot about eating.  He went to various spiritual groups and studied borrowed books on spirituality and said in his own words that sometimes he was so deep into the whole spirituality thing, he would forget he was going to the door and just walk through the wall.  He made many you tube vids and they are still on you tube, many of them.  He also wrote books which really propel you forward in the quest to find your real self.  You should watch his lectures because I've never felt more inspiration as during his lectures that I've watched.

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15 hours ago, freejoy said:

I read about people walking through walls, biolocating their bodies, repeating the word love and floating.

I was wondering if these things are really possible?

Can our minds alter the laws of nature?

If so how would it be done?

Thank you

Yeah, have heard that too. Remember a franciskan monk, Padre Pio, was able to do bilocation and be at two places at once.

I believe it is possible and that each human body can do it. Althoug i think we will see more of that on a societal level when we are completely loving with each other, have really worked out our issues and made spirituality the main theme in society. Probably it will happen way beyond stage Coral.

I do not know how it will be done, probably nature will teach us from inside when we are ready .

Edited by GreenLight

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3 hours ago, freejoy said:

Can our minds alter the laws of nature?

The mind is bound by the laws of nature. Relative law is the reason a mind can / does exist.

When one leaves the boundary of the perceived 'finite' mind, there ceases to be a mind. 

There would need to be a mind / ego with an agenda to make the choice to do some Jedi Master shit.

But in the highest state of consciousness, there is no mind. I don't really see how it could be done.


“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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Is it possible during night dreams?

Then it is possible in this dream too.



Absolute perspective: God imagines the appearance of a body flying in the exact same way as the appearance of a body walking.

Relative perspective:  you need more control. Which comes as a result of psychic power + high consciousness.

Edited by GreenWoods

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if you're dreaming a human body you're dreaming all the physical laws as well since they basically collapse together with the very notion of there being a limited human body that can and cannot do stuff. Wanna float or fly, learn to astral project.

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No it's not possible, which is exactly why it is. It's the root of the question that's the issue, which is : is there a physical reality with set laws that can somehow be broken.? 

What is everyone's obsession with physical reality?? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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2 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

What is everyone's obsession with physical reality?? 

It seems that interest in certain topics comes and goes in waves on this forum

Before it was solipsism, now it's physical reality and why everything is the way it is - what comes next? 

I hope it's gonna be about how to get a hot witch girlfriend:P

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@Tim R it's fun to watch the warbling effect of spiral stages throughout the time on this forum. It helps that its a complete melting pot, to keep stretching it this way and that... 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@freejoy there's nothing which isn't possible - everything's possible! every "logical" thing, e.g. you can't have a square circle.

simply put, if you can imagine it in your head, it is possible.

imagination is the blue-print. if it can be made a blue-print, it is possible.


Think of what's possible as a blank piece of paper. you have a pencil in your hand... how many shapes or things can you draw on it? is there ultimately a limit? yes! there's a limit and that's unlimited :)

same with reality. it is a blank piece of paper/awareness (YOU) and You can will/imagine all into existence.

you need only think and it happens (that's the ultimate stage, think and alter your experience. think and manifest)

you already are doing this, but right now it is limited to a part of your experience only, and that part is called the body. you can full control over your body. you want to raise the right hand, you think (not even think really) and it happens.

when you take over your whole experience then your experience is your body. then your eternal party begins :)

Love Is The Answer

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9 hours ago, freejoy said:

Can our minds alter the laws of nature?

The laws of nature are stories the grown ups told us. Reality is a lot looser and glitchier than people think.

57% paranoid

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I can't say I've done any of those things, nor do I know personally know anyone who has. But yes, it appears to be possible from the accounts of yogis and other evolved beings.

About the Laws of Nature, I think everyone would benefit from Rupert Sheldrake's perspective on this.

Essentially, Sheldrake argues there are no laws of nature. Only deep "habits" of nature. When a habit becomes significantly ingrained, we call it a "law" because we are so used to it. But in truth, no laws are immutable. Which to me is what we should have to expect from Absolute Infinity.


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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21 hours ago, Nahm said:

Who exactly are you willfully allowing to tell you what is possible? 

Just do it. 

Can you please demonstrate your flying skills 

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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@Nahm  Lol.

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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