
Take the Vaccine, get a free donut

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Im pretty much speechless but I would love to get a discourse going. Let me know what you guys think about this.. 


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I mean, it’ll probably get more people vaccinated so that’s good. Idk if something like a banana or apple would work.

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On 23.3.2021 at 11:25 PM, OmAhHungVajraGuru said:


Tell me you are American without telling me you are American. Lmao

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17 hours ago, datamonster said:

I mean free donuts... for the rest of your life ?

It's till the end of the year. 

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Im curious, if you get the vaccine in USA but you dont have a health insurance, and you happen to get sick due to the vaccine (This is a what if question) would you get treatment, or would you get fucked because you dont have an insurance?

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I'm thinking how much money I'd need to accept eating this garbage every day.

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Lol the funniest thing I saw was a morbidly obese person showing off about their Vaccine while scoffing down a Donut. 

Every day that goes by, the less this world makes sense to me lol, I'll never understand why we seem to encourage Obesity & Poisonous Junk food, like you are free to do what the fuck you want, but we shouldn't be encouraging these habits just like we don't encourage Alcoholism, or Drug addiction. 

It seems 'Empowering' yet the only real winners of the Obesity epidemic are the Huge toxic corporations like McDonalds, Krispy Kreme etc & then Big Pharma when they get to sell more drugs than ever before, and so the cycle continues. 

Btw, this isn't a post regarding the Vaccine, just the stupidity of most people that they will scream about Masks, Distancing & Vaccines etc, yet won't even mention healthy habits, exercise & natural preventative cures. 

I saw a study that said Covid was also more prevalent in more obese countries, probably why over here in the UK we've struggled so much. The average person here is overweight, lazy & has a terrible diet...

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1 hour ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

saw a study that said Covid was also more prevalent in more obese countries

I might have read that one as well. Obesity basically means being locked in 24/7 low-grade inflammation which means 24/7 immune system on high alert. Now add a new type of virus to that and the chances of ending up with cytokine storm are increased 500 fold. Not to mention an obese person cannot muster an immune reaction strong enough and fast enough plus majority of these people are severely nutrient deprived despite being in hypercaloric state. 

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A virus so deadly, you have had to put your body under a perpetual inflammatory state for decades and decades on end to be significantly affected by its brutal nature. But hey... free donuts & a VIP membership to strip clubs? Sign me up. 


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This is just another hint that it's not about your health. They don't give a fuck about your health.

It's all just "take jab, social distance, wear a mask". Absolutely nothing about how to actually be healthy and build a good immune system.

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53 minutes ago, vladorion said:

This is just another hint that it's not about your health. They don't give a fuck about your health.

It's all just "take jab, social distance, wear a mask". Absolutely nothing about how to actually be healthy and build a good immune system.

Do you think that if they told the fat people that they should change their diets so they don't die from covid the fat people would do it? 

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there simply is no rationale for giving people donuts everyday for a year in the middle of a pandemic in the name of health. 

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31 minutes ago, OmAhHungVajraGuru said:


there simply is no rationale for giving people donuts everyday for a year in the middle of a pandemic in the name of health. 

Well I mean there clearly is otherwise they wouldn't be doing it. 

But I agree that it's stupid. 

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