
The Boulder Shooting Thread

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How many more innocent people have to get shot to death before enough people in our country realize that something has to be done to improve our gun control laws?!>:(

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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

How many more innocent people have to get shot to death before enough people in our country realize that something has to be done to improve our gun control laws?!>:(

Maybe Americans are just not capable with dealing with the problem. Canada has to take over.

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It happened to me to have a few thoughts of doing a mass shooting in the past or of killing some people. Nothing serious, but a few thoughts anyway. People like this aren't healthy, they need to stop being demonized and get serious psychological help and care.

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9 hours ago, DocWatts said:

Problem is that things have gotten so bad in the US that there's more guns than there are people. Recalling literally hundreds of millions of guns isn't something that's even remotely feasible; and that's leaving aside that tens of millions of people here equate to thier "right" to own a small arsenal with freedom of speech or freedom of religion, and cling to Gun Culture every bit as much as religious folks cling to their Holy Texts.

Yeah absolutely. I'm not necessarily saying they should recall all the guns back, rather than put this new system in place so kids that are growing up now won't be able to walk into a gun shop and buy a 50. cal rifle or an AR-15 because they've just turned 18. Let the boomers die off with their guns, deal with shootings as much as we can, and by the time the boomers are dead, the new system will be in place and there won't be a single person who owns a gun without a license and mental health evaluation. 

Edited by fridjonk

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2 hours ago, fridjonk said:

Yeah absolutely. I'm not necessarily saying they should recall all the guns back, rather than put this new system in place so kids that are growing up now won't be able to walk into a gun shop and buy a 50. cal rifle or an AR-15 because they've just turned 18. Let the boomers die off with their guns, deal with shootings as much as we can, and by the time the boomers are dead, the new system will be in place and there won't be a single person who owns a gun without a license and mental health evaluation. 

Ah, I guess you just don't know much about guns. They are relatively durable goods. I own a Colt Peacemaker that is well over a hundred years old, and while it isn't as pretty as a new one (they have been in production for nearly 150 years now) I'm confident it shoots better than just about any fresh off the line. Prehaps this puts our basic logistical challenge in disarming the US into perspective?... Oh, and don't worry all. I have my license and mental health evaluation already. 

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1 hour ago, Ryan R said:

Ah, I guess you just don't know much about guns.

I've been around guns since 5 years old, and am into long-range shooting so I'd say I know my stuff. 

And what you said didn't relate in any way to what I was saying. 

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FedEx shooting


A search of Hole’s bedroom after his arrest turned up some items that prompted federal agents to question him, Keenan said without elaborating on what was found.

But the FBI eventually determined no that crime had been committed, nor that Hole had been talking about any racially motivated idology. He was not given back the shotgun, authorities said.


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On 3/23/2021 at 5:49 PM, Ethan1 said:

I currently live up in Estes Park, CO right now which is not too far from Boulder. 

From my understanding this stuff is just a complex problem from many angles.

I'm kinda playing around with a concept map to come up with ideas that are at the root of the problem. 


I'd say a big part of it has to do with shame/acceptance, social solidarity, and power dynamics in our society. People have a need to be respected, loved, and valued. If we had better ways to connect communities and bring people together. This would help people co-regulate in a healthy way. The normal way to connect with people in our society today is with alcohol and going to bars. This basically dysregulates the entire body. Which is not exactly the most healthy ways to go about getting needs met.

Ideally speaking, there needs to be like small groups where people can go to connect & get certain needs met. I like the idea of meetup.com where people can host gatherings which in my mind is the most functional & healthy way to connect. If there was like a non-profit brick & mortar center similar to meetup. Closest thing I can think of is a 12 step program. However, I'd consider something more normalized as if a coffee shop in smaller communities. 

Something the helps educate the general public about well-being and encourages emotional regulation. Emotional dysregulation is truly at the core of the problem. Co-regulation and healthy attunement is what people need. Something that has a setting similar to a yoga class or a massage therapy vibe. You walk into a massage therapy room and they set the room to be inviting & relaxing. If there was a public setting that had such a vibe that would be amazing. As if like a Natural Hot Spring where people can connect in a comfortable way. Hot springs naturally bring people together in small towns. 

A mixture of like the YMCA & 12 step programs. Not to make it a formal class but a gathering where people can go to hang out. There aren't many free places for people to go and feel a sense of relief. Libraries are about the only places to go in society. Rather than people feeling they have to go to bars & get drunk to be seen, felt, and heard by others. 


In reality, public shootings are a cry for attention to be seen and heard. To forcefully reclaim a sense of power, coercion, and authority. Rage is deeply deeply rooted in shame. A person who is shame bound will become more prone to snap and vent their closed off anger. However, shame is a common root in our society where expressing certain emotions in public settings is not acceptable. Have you tried crying in public or expressing anger at a grocery store as an adult? Or anywhere? Normally little children are the ones that rage in grocery stores because they haven't been socialized to know its unacceptable/taboo. 

Completly agreed @Ethan1 this is exactly what I have been thinkin since many years ago, it is really shame that the only way we have to connect and meet more people and ideas is to go out and drink alcohol ! this is the reflect of this completly lost society we have created. We definetly need new ways for meet with our people and be able to express ourselves to feel the thrive that connection gives.

@jjer94 I'm glad you came out safe and sound! I dont know if someone remember the shooting that happened in Dallas TExas like in 2017 or so, I was in there in the middle of the bullets just running away of the Downtown, it was terrifying, after that when I arrived to my father's house (since I didn't pay attention to his hunch about staying home that afternoon) I felt big respect for him and after sometime of remembering and talking about that I was healed. This is part of the unconscious mind and all the schenarios that we have to heal and remove the meaning. Hope you are better by now.


Edited by Samuel Rdz

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On 3/24/2021 at 1:19 AM, Hardkill said:

How many more innocent people have to get shot to death before enough people in our country realize that something has to be done to improve our gun control laws?!>:(

Same question applies to people who are shooting up fentanyl.


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