
Introverts adjusting to post-covid normalcy

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I'm an introvert who has been living in lockdown for the past year, only leaving the house once a week to go grocery shopping. But I'm starting to get out more as the pandemic draws to an end (fingers crossed, at least) and it seems more people are out of their houses as well (of course, the good weather is helping to bring people out). It seems I'm going to have to work on managing symptoms of social anxiety as life returns to normal. Some things I've noticed

  • Always bumping into people (mainly strangers) wherever I go. It's like there's always someone just around the corner in the grocery store as I'm pushing my cart around. It get's annoying not being able to walk 10 feet without running into someone, and that's not to even get started on people with their carts in the middle of the aisle.
  • All the small talk, but also the sheer emotionality of it all. I guess that's why extroverts in America love small talk so much -- it gives them an opportunity to share emotional connections with each other.
  • Always being observed and feeling self-conscious about it. Walking down the street from my house, realizing I forgot something, turning around to go get it and then worrying that someone might have observed my "erratic behavior" and hence think of me as some weirdo.
  • Maybe I was just grumpy pre-covid with regards to interacting with people in public. I'd like to be both confident and pleasant to the people I meet, but I can't say I've really enjoyed the heightened interactions with people, at least not with my current perspective on it all.

I don't mean to be tone deaf in posting what are certainly incredibly minor inconveniences and nuisances during a time when over 2.7 million people have died worldwide. But I thought this thread might be of interest and use to people who are also working with readjusting socially to a re-opened society. So thoughts or advice?

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Wow you sound exactly like my husband.  Although luckily he's OK turning around to make sure we locked the door or something ?.  Sounds like you are doing well... You can't force an introvert to be comfortable in social situations, but you can always take measures to make sure it doesn't hinder your quality of life. 

I'd start with why do you care so much about what people think about you? 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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