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Help me convince Kroger

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I am a bag boy at Kroger, and I am heading talk about banning plastic bags by 2025, others tell me it is 2030.  I have found some conflicting information in the disposable vs. Reusable debate that I need help with before I call Kroger.

My argument is that Kroger should advertise reusable bags as more environmentally friendly while adding a recycling symbol on the reusable bags.  It is meant to be more profitable to be environmentally friendly.  Kroger could cut the production of paper bags as well with this approach to reusable bags.  This is similar to replacing disposable States with washable straws.  Is my argument a good argument?

I did not call corporate Kroger yet because I found some information that shook my confidence in this decision.  I want to make sure this is a good idea.  Here a few sites.

The counter argument from is that some reusable bags would have to be used 2000 times to make up for one disposable bag.  My response is that many more plastic bags are used in a single trip compared to reusable bags.  Secondly, typical fold-up bags and reusable bags made of recycled plastics, are much better than cotton bags.

Should Kroger faze out both plastic and paper bags with reusable bags to be environmentally friendly?  Am I making a good argument?

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In the state of Washington, most cities require the patron to bring a reusable bag to pack their goods or they are charged a small fee for the paper or plastic one provided by the store. Until Covid-19 when the baggers were no longer permitted to touch one from outside the store. I pack them myself at the end of the counter or I request paper bags which I will use myself on a later visit. Anything you can do to help this catastrophe of plastic bag use is appreciated. There are ways too for Kroger to enter programs that recycle the bags into other products such as; park benches, etc. Thank you for your effort!!

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@Tammy Montevideo thank you for your support.  I often feel frustrated with politics because I am trying to find ways in which I can take action, but it is very difficult.

I can mention that plastic bags can be recycled into benches as well as other reusable bags.  As it stands, Kroger recycles plastic bags to make more plastic bags.

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This started off as politics, but now it is getting very personal and serious.

My manager told me that she was going to fire me.  I have talents that this company is not properly tapping into.  I want to demonstrate my demonstrate my talents by giving Kroger says to improve customer satisfaction.

When I call Kroger I will need to tell them three things.

1.  The plastic bags I mentioned before.

2. Placing rubber bands over the flimsy blueberry containers to prevent them from spilling open so easily and causing messes.

3.  The reason why I might have to quit.

The Kroger managers want me to step to the side, make eye contact, and say "hi thanks for coming in.". I fail to do this for every single customer.  I am one of the few employees who struggle with this.  It could be linked to autism which can create awkward social interactions.  This is bad if I work on the front end with many customers all the time. 

Other than socializing with customers I am exceptional when it comes to bagging efficiently and getting carts.  I constantly find ways to stay busy, and I show up to work early nearly every single day.  I worked for nearly 3 years, including the entirety of this pandemic.  I received a hero bonus for two of the months in which I risked my life for this hazard.  I need a role that will properly nurture my talents, or I can't stay at Kroger over something petty after everything I have been through. 

I am not valued in the way I should be.

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