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Society's roadblock on Maslows hierarchy

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Where does the majority of western society seem to be on Maslows pyramid? The hierarchy of needs apparantly is a suitable model for not just individuals but for societies as a whole. How can we help society to move it's way up?

Thoughts? Surely understanding this can be a prerequisite for understanding how to improve the world. 

Edited by Adodd

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The map is not meant to be a linear pyramid. Maslow never intended for this...the pyramid concept was actually created by an ad agency to help market it, without Maslow's consent.

That said, in generally the more that lower needs are met the more one can grow to meet higher needs, but even those at Self-Actualized can have unmet lower needs, like Love, Community, Money, etc. And those who are "poorest" like tribes and those in developing nations might have a strong sense of community and have esteem needs met but are lacking in safety or physiological needs. 

I recommend this book if you're curious to read more about Maslow. 

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I think what you're saying is someone can be mostly in a higher tier while simultaneously having unmet needs in lower teirs. Am I understanding you correctly? 

Thank you for the book recommendation.

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