
[Question] Mind has stilled significantly around other people from Kriya Yoga

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Ever since starting Kriya and having a few "energetic experiences", specifically during Kriya Pranayama, my mind has stilled quite significantly around other people. Usually my mind is absolutely chaotic and neurotic around others - it compulsively judges myself and others, creates a lot of fear etc. Since these "energetic experiences" a stillness has been present ever since. I am very grateful for this opportunity but I am also cautious at the same time of not becoming too attached because I know something like this may be temporary. I am also a lot more aware of my spine. It almost feels like I am a puppet on a string, where the string is my spine which feels it has been cemented into the present moment.

My question is: why has this happened, was there a particular chakra that was blocked that Kriya has opened? And is there a certain chakra I should be focusing on during om japa for example to reinforce this experience? Any insight into this experience would be very helpful, thanks guys!

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Basically you awakened your energy to some higher levels,

with all these energy manipulation practises, you manage to clear the energy pathways and to direct your prana to your skull, then the mind becoming still would be the consequence of that. 

But since this energy is highly intelligent after a while it automatically flows through the central channel in your spine and goes into your head effortlessly without you doing anything, then suddenly this whole game becomes much more enjoyable since you no longer need to sit and do a lot of practises just to be able to get that stillness of mind or maybe you need much less work to achieve that. :)

So I'd say that now you work on those chakras you feel you need to work on, and balance your chakras one by one, 

Awakening your Kundalini should be your goal, but never ever force it, 

The divine energy is highly intelligent, just have the chakras balanced and get rid of blockages, it'll automatically rise when the time comes!




Edited by m0hsen

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7 minutes ago, m0hsen said:

So I'd say that now you work on those chakras you feel you need to work on, and balance your chakras one by one, 

Awakening your Kundalini should be your goal, but never ever force it, 

The divine energy is highly intelligent, just have the chakras balanced and get rid of blockages, it'll automatically rise when the time comes!

Thanks for your response! The question is though, how do you know which chakras are blocked or not? Is this simply understood by whether the feeling/prana in and around that chakra is present? And to balance each chakra, would you say om japa (chanting om in each chakra posteriorly from root to the medula) is sufficient? The reason I say om japa is because I've heard that is a tool used to clean out each chakra.

Edited by tezk

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40 minutes ago, tezk said:

Thanks for your response! The question is though, how do you know which chakras are blocked or not? Is this simply understood by whether the feeling/prana in and around that chakra is present? And to balance each chakra, would you say om japa (chanting om in each chakra posteriorly from root to the medula) is sufficient? The reason I say om japa is because I've heard that is a tool used to clean out each chakra.

You're welcome! :)

About chakra imbalances I found this article, good one to check out:


In my experience basically energy have hard time to flow, there's pulsations and pain in the imbalanced chakra that clearly shows either energy is stuck in the chakra or have hard time flowing and cause all those sensory signals.

I've heard also that OM japa is a good practice to balance and unite all chakras,

I personally don't do OM japa, I find Sadhguru's AUM chant works really well:


Beside that, basically just putting awareness on chakras should do the job well since reality is pure awareness, and your true nature is pure awareness, divine, all you need to do is meditating on each imbalanced chakra to perform the healing job. 


Edited by m0hsen

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26 minutes ago, Tetcher said:

Those are incredible results, that's wonderful.

Absolutely. I had been doing meditation for about 2 years. I tried Goenka Vipassana, Shinzen Young noting, loving kind-ness (metta), a little bit of Do Nothing, a little bit of strong determination sitting. I did The Mind Illuminated for a solid 6-8 months (2 hours or so a day). 

It's still early days but Kriya Yoga has been showing some very positive signs (for me personally), that I just didn't get that with regular meditation. As Leo said, I think the meditation is too "mental" orientated whereas Kriya brings in the physical body which is what I am liking.

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