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Transcendence: The Seconds, Hours, Days, Months, and years (? Nope I'll be gone)

5 posts in this topic

Day 1, few hours in:

What is this thought? Who am I in this thought?

Am I a thought? No.

What is the next association? Spiritual zombies. 

Oh you got to love those. But who is the I living in the expression of the association?

Who gives a fuck right?

I'm here. Let it be R.I.P Paul McCartney's career and John Lennon's wife's talks with her husband there.

I'm tired. How do I overcome this? What is the association that exists to prevent me from surrendering my consciousness to the vision I've created for Transcendence? This is what I let go. 

Power up consciousness. Nothing else exists. I live in a mind of minds, minds colliding, what minds connect and what do they pass on?  Earth continues to rotate around the sun, so they say.

See you in some minutes or hours.

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HAHA on the font


Quick note I'll write about later just noting it here to remind myself of improvements i'm making in awareness, placebo or not time will show:

double mirror symbolisation

(I'll happily share this process with others later - in short, a byproduct of the symbolisation of discoveries that make it easier to recall personal insight, analogous to method of loci as I've brought up in the past, my new method there involves starting from the ground up in terms of generating novel creative visual artefacts and building them into a novel "mental palace" piece by piece rather than using old memories which is what I believe the "light weights" do :P )

this was meant to symbolise having self awareness on what was happening and will continue to be an important way of not reflecting on cognition, psychological and or mental data of any kind, but to hold it, and through the holding of that data, and waiting until that auto-response that needs to be corrected is automatically corrected where your automatic intelligence comes into play waiting until it sees what’s going on, then you’ll be able to seamlessly move through it



HAHA on the font

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@modmythhey mod nice to see u round these parts ;) .

Day 2:

Insight for meditation: Transcendence equals Music

The basis for this is cognitive and I've so far discovered the triad that I now focus my attention on accordingly:

1. Patterns over answers

2. Attention (inclusive of focus) over __haven't found its avoidant force yet__

3. Timing (i.e. loops) over __ haven't found its avoidant force yet __

Combined with the lyrical, visual and relational (i.e. intelligence: logic) element I apply to my training with improvisation and coordinated improvisation (different to one another) as the foundation here I see it as a continual exploration of the intellectual heights of my abilities even in comparison to say performing and and generating high level abstraction. 

The ability to play, produce lyrics and creative relational visuals all on the fly while simultaneously vigilantly scanning (attention) for patterns across a certain spontaneously determined timing I'm following between all modalities, especially across varied and speeded timing intervals is by far the greatest I've determined I can extend my intelligence in any one sitting, and to this end, it complementarily a likely extension of my abilities and thus its fitting that its referred to here in this thread. 

In short, our thoughts and feelings follow a variable timed coordinated loop in their appearance to our conscious awareness, every thought and feeling then in the context of the concert produced by consciousness as a byproduct of one to however many loops present then can be measured against a bung note relative to the ultimate fluidity that I believe optimal awareness within consciousness should be functionally striving for.

Music is not to just cognition nor cognitive enhancement as some people have inferred from a non-artistic sense, viewed from a nuanced lens in combination with certain boundaries one is attempting to follow (i.e. several metronomes; relational visual symbolisation), it is, truly, an accurate picture of all the boundaries of cognition and is thus, cognitive enhancing, when stretching to ones limits.

As such, as one builds a song, they build their brain. This all must be done "together" though with little side-tracking, mind wandering and so on so as to exercise focused attention towards the growth and development of the brain in that moment. "Growth" (i.e. neuroplasticity et al.) here, indicative of all of its opposites that you would indeed wish to avoid in emotional and behavioural connotation.

I will elaborate more on this triad at a later time.

Edited by Origins

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@Origins you killed me with that font.  Holy shucks. I'm hiding in a burrow. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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