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Healthy fitness and exercise

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   I've come across an interesting video on properly using tension to build muscle and maintaining fitness, which is an interesting paradox to Leo's use of Tension = unconsciousness, and on his view of muscle structure in his latest blog on health. Here is the video in question:

   What are your thoughts on this? It's interesting how paradoxical it is, because I've used some of this information from this guy, and after working with generating muscle tension, and working on mind and muscle connection, some of my health issues auto correct when I improved on that tension control. The question then becomes, for me, is what is wrong with tension overall, or is Leo referring to a specific tension being bad?

Edited by Danioover9000

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Completely different type of tension, man. Tension is just a word/tool/artifact. Fitness/strength and maximum hypertrophy comes from training above minimum effective volume (and below maximum recoverable volume) with 90+ % of max force potential on every rep for every work set with good form. Adaptive response only lasts 48 hours, so train every 48 hours to maximize protein synthesis uptime -- 3 nonconsecutive days a week, e.g. Mon/Wed/Fri. Squat, deadlift, bench, press, and one scapular retraction exercise (weighted chins or rows from the floor) form the foundation of any complete program. This is quite possibly the healthiest thing you can do aside from meditating every day.

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On 3/22/2021 at 2:42 AM, The0Self said:

Completely different type of tension, man. Tension is just a word/tool/artifact. Fitness/strength and maximum hypertrophy comes from training above minimum effective volume (and below maximum recoverable volume) with 90+ % of max force potential on every rep for every work set with good form. Adaptive response only lasts 48 hours, so train every 48 hours to maximize protein synthesis uptime -- 3 nonconsecutive days a week, e.g. Mon/Wed/Fri. Squat, deadlift, bench, press, and one scapular retraction exercise (weighted chins or rows from the floor) form the foundation of any complete program. This is quite possibly the healthiest thing you can do aside from meditating every day.

   I train every day, only calisthenics, with some basic and advanced tension manipulations in my muscles, and do 2 to 1 days per week of complete failure. I'll give your advice some consideration for the future, but right now I'm getting much better results from this guy, 

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