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I need your permission to translate your contact to Arabic

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Hi leo I wanted to thank you for everything you do cuz it's really changed my whole life I live in Saudi Arabia and they don't talk about self help it's not really popular in our community and almost 99% of them don't know your YouTube channel and alot of them dose not understand English and I think it's really sad there missing out alot so I need to have your permission  to quote some ideas or transit your videos to Arabic and I'll tell them about your channel I want to help people the way you helped me, and maybe make it like a job to couch people and tell them everything I know cuz I get so much joy from helping others I think it's my life purpose , i was watching your videos 3 years ago and I still do I can't thank you enough and I'm sorry if my English is bad it's not my first language ... love you so much  


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If you really did this and Leo let you, and you made it work... I'd say that'd be a fantastic place to start a great life purpose journey. And to anyone thinking it wouldn't catch-on in Saudi Arabia... I'd beg to differ. I attend university in USA, and the Saudi exchange students are, in terms of consciousness and open-mindedness, at least on par with the Americans. Good luck. Talk to Leo about it.

Edited by The0Self

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@DefinitelyNotARobot I used to think the middle east was the last place ready for this sort of teaching, but after meeting quite a few Muslims at my university (many of them foreign exchange students from Saudi Arabia), I have somewhat changed my view. Sure, these places are generally more conservative, but serendipitously, praying 5 times a day can really overcome a lot, as it's basically a facsimile of meditating 5 times a day -- surely 5 sits every single day for weeks/months/years will have some consciousness-boosting effect in most individuals.

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Thank you for responding back to me , I was talking about simple self development subject of course I can't talk about enlightenment or the dogma of religion or I'll go to jail but I can talk about self esteem and how fear effects your life and maybe about Meditation and basic  things like this, I really need to try and make people do better here I feel like I need to do it even tho I'm scared but I feel selfish cuz I know alot of things that can help people and expand how they see reality and I don't share with others , it's like I want to work with what I got  when I talk about the basic of self development I mean this is how we all started the basic things then the heavy deep self work maybe I can help 2 or 3 people I'll be happy 

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