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What Is The Best Meditation Techique For Reaching Spiritual Awakening?

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Hello ,

I am new here and pratice meditation, qigong, visualization, gratefulness and spiritual jounaling. I have been meditation for more than 1 year. I have been listening to Leos best videos and wondering what practical exercises can be done to self actualize and enlighten oneself.  On that note, What meditation method works best for reaching spiritual enlightenment? thanks


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Shinzen Young recommends strong determination sitting.


Leo also discusses it here.


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54 minutes ago, awareemptiness said:

What meditation method works best for reaching spiritual enlightenment

@awareemptiness  I use the aware emptiness method of meditation. No pun intended.

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3 hours ago, Capethaz said:

@awareemptiness @RossE Shizen Young also says that if he were only allowed to teach one technique would be "Note Gone" according to this article in his website:
It points you to the same place where Self-Inquiry points.

This reminds me of when I was in labor with my daughter. This was over five years ago before I knew anything about meditation too. The contraction would be so overwhelmingly painful, so I would focus on it trying to find little moments of relief. Then I would fall asleep for a few moments during the downtimes between contractions and wake back up and do the same thing. It was like the pain was forcing me to focus and pay attention to my body. 

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The  best thing to do from the very get go is to let go of any ideas and expectations you may have including enlightenment. Keep letting go. Every time your mind says " but I want this" or "I want to get there" you must let it go. If you continue to make enlightenment and awakening or anything else the goal it will hinder your practice. Just sit and be. This can be very difficult for the beginner because naturally we are conditioned to accomplish, attain and achieve but these things are of the mind and will hold you back. Many beginners give up because without getting something they feel like it's pointless.  You cannot rest in awareness while your mind is full of desire, greed, craving and aversion. It's not a linear path and there is no easy comfortable shortcut.  People who are enlightened don't go around telling people and those that do are basically deluding themselves. Just learn to be nobody, doing nothing and going nowhere. That's all. 

Edited by Xpansion

Wisdom is settling in and experiencing reality in the moment.

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5 hours ago, awareemptiness said:

What meditation method works best for reaching spiritual enlightenment?

Experiment with whatever technique appeals to you. And remember, not all techniques suit everyone; what suits you may not suit your friend. And having practiced a method for some months, you may find you have outgrown it. There is nothing sacrosanct about meditative methods: they are practical means to access a natural, inherent quality. Feel free to playfully experiment with them.

Having selected the method, try it for at least seven days consecutively. And when you are trying it out, give it all you have got. By then either the initial attraction has been confirmed or not. If you feel that this is your method, make a commitment to continue it for a minimum of three months. After three months you can continue with it or choose another.

Find any technique that you can add to your daily life to help remind you to stay aware as much of your day as possible.

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There is no such thing as the best :) Everything you do is already in a masterful play of creation itself.

All is equal, all is one.

Edited by pluto


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What do you all think about the way I meditate? I lay down on my bed with absolute silence with my eyes open and I let my mind arise thoughts, sometimes when I Have had  a stressing day I spend  the whole 30 minutes session thinking but if Im relaxed before I start the  meditation I have many and long gaps where I dont have a thought. I only try to manipulate my breathing when Im nervous and I want to get relaxed.

I do it lay down because ive recently have back pain and I started to do it this way.

 Im a newbie because I only have been meditating for three months. But Im very happy because Ive done it daily as Leo said and in this short time I have experienced very good changes.


Sorry for my grammar mistakes, english is not my native language


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27 minutes ago, Alex4 said:

What do you all think about the way I meditate? I lay down on my bed with absolute silence with my eyes open and I let my mind arise thoughts, sometimes when I Have had  a stressing day I spend  the whole 30 minutes session thinking but if Im relaxed before I start the  meditation I have many and long gaps where I dont have a thought. I only try to manipulate my breathing when Im nervous and I want to get relaxed.

I do it lay down because ive recently have back pain and I started to do it this way.

 Im a newbie because I only have been meditating for three months. But Im very happy because Ive done it daily as Leo said and in this short time I have experienced very good changes.


Sorry for my grammar mistakes, english is not my native language


I was doing it the same way for a long time but from time to time it seemed like it had become useless so i switched to mindfullness meditation for a short time and got back to this method again and it has always awesome benefits especially in the first few weeks.
But i changed my meditation habit now i do this kind of meditation you mentioned untill i have close to no-thoughts arising after that i usually go over to doing emotional vipassana which i learned from teal swan i just try to recognize the emotions i feel in my stomach and just accept them go into them untill they become bliss on a normal day i would stop here but sometimes i also add the note-gone technique or just focus on very deep breaths untill i feel my circulation kind of skyrocketing. I also usually try to add phases of self-inquiry inbetween.

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On 18.10.2016 at 0:06 AM, awareemptiness said:

What meditation method works best for reaching spiritual enlightenment?

Let me say it another time. You cannot reach enlightenment through anything. And I know exactly what thought you have right now: "Yeah... but you kinda can because meditation and self-inquiry makes you more aware and then someday this awareness will be enough to recognize that you are everything and nothing."

So let me say it again. You cannot reach enlightenment through anything. Just that it gets in. :D Someone like Leo who seemingly does a lot of meditation and self-inquiry and focuses his whole life on this quest might not be faster then you doing 20 minutes of a breath meditation once a day.

Why? Because the "speed of you recognizing your own nature" is bounded by when you will give the show called you. When will you be really earnest to yourself that you just don't know how you miraculously keep on living from moment to moment, how thoughts just come up, actions just come up, the flowers just grow and even your game of "I'm a free agent who is responsible" is kept up.

This is a shoving away of shit you tell yourself and believe to the point where it becomes apparent. And this shoving away is being done by giving it up, not by keeping it up. By giving up the journey, by knowing that there is nothing you can do, by knowing that everything that you do is just another very nuanced game that you can get it with effort.

So maybe the best meditation to reach enlightenment is to sit for 10 minutes, crying your eyes out and praying to God, nature, it nothingness that it makes you give it up. I sincerely think this might be better then anything else because this would at least foster the attitude you need to understand. Every other meditation technique is more about how can "I" be better, calmer, more focused, more relaxed. Well, that's mostly a joke.

So, why am I being such an asshole here with you? :P Because it needs that. It's important that you get this down sometime so that you don't try years over years getting something that isn't there. Luckily, I got that early on (after about 1 year of my journey) when I studied Taoism and Zen. Maybe you wanna look that up.

So, to end this rage: How do I meditate now for most of my journey? I sit down, sit for 60 minutes and get up. Whatever happens in these 60 minutes is completely accepted. And when it can't be accepted, that's accepted too. I mostly don't move because I practiced strong determination sitting for a long time (so apparently still do, but really don't care anymore). With this technique most other techniques will come up over time, like focusing on your breath, repeating a mantra, counting the breath etc. Just because you don't limit yourself. Right now I'm also using HoloSync with it, that boosts my integration process and especially my spiritual quest like nuts. It's ridiculously potent. But yeah, that's about it. You could name it: Giving up. Because I am giving up with every second to that that makes me. And by that, I become that.

Cheers to you

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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22 minutes ago, LaucherJunge said:

I was doing it the same way for a long time but from time to time it seemed like it had become useless so i switched to mindfullness meditation for a short time and got back to this method again and it has always awesome benefits especially in the first few weeks.
But i changed my meditation habit now i do this kind of meditation you mentioned untill i have close to no-thoughts arising after that i usually go over to doing emotional vipassana which i learned from teal swan i just try to recognize the emotions i feel in my stomach and just accept them go into them untill they become bliss on a normal day i would stop here but sometimes i also add the note-gone technique or just focus on very deep breaths untill i feel my circulation kind of skyrocketing. I also usually try to add phases of self-inquiry inbetween.

so do you thinkg I should switch to a mindfullness meditation, if so how I should do it?

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2 minutes ago, Alex4 said:

so do you thinkg I should switch to a mindfullness meditation, if so how I should do it?

No, only if you notice that you start not enjoying it at all even the relief after you end the meditation is not enough anymore i would try something else and eventually come back to it after a few weeks.

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On 10/18/2016 at 0:06 AM, awareemptiness said:

 On that note, What meditation method works best for reaching spiritual enlightenment? thanks


meditation is about many things. mostly it is about teaching your brain to move electricity from ego part to perception part. Practicing it you force your mind to make some free space in ego part so it can be used as aware part. So you know, like in the gym, best way is to use various technics to make muscle gains. Depending on your muscles state, different people will be prone to various techniques.  Walking, siting, lying, focusing on breath, focusing on senses, focusing on body and so on! Good luck!

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