
How Leo Transformed Your Life?

7 posts in this topic

How Leo transformed your life? What growth did you get from his work? In which ways he helped you? What problems did he help you to solve? Do you like his content?

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I'm starting it because in one topic I posted that in his recent videos Leo seems crazy to me sometimes.:) Because his ideas too advanced for me. So I feel a bit guilty.:D I'll be the first but hopefully not last to share my story.

Leo helped me to start my daily meditation practice. I've been meditating for about a year now. Before watching his video about meditation I was looking for information about meditation and I couldn't find anything helpful. For about five years I was going back to the idea of starting meditation practice but they always tell you that for meditation you need some special pillow under your butt, quiet place, special music and so on. Because of all these advice that made things too complicated I couldn't start meditating until I watched one of Leo's videos. Leo took me on this personal development journey and I became very interested in all that. Previously I couldn't stand all these personal development books. It was kinda weird to me. But now I'm really interested in psychology, personal development, enlightenment. I became a personal development junkie as Leo would say. My life changed a lot since I first found his channel on YouTube. Dude is doing a great job. I'm afraid to imagine how my life would be without getting into personal development. I got rid of depression, a lot of pain from my past. I became more positive. My life became so much better. That's just briefly about changes in my life. One year of meditation practice is the biggest accomplishment to me. All thanks to the Bald Wizard. Just kidding:D. Peace.

Edited by YoungSeeker

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Since I was a teenager (we're talking a good 15-20 years ago now :o) I was in various stages, levels, and interpretations of depression.  I've been through many different treatments, and a couple of years ago FINALLY hit the recognition that I was responsible for dealing with this once and for all.  So I started looking for all the self-help material that I could, which led me to  I started watching at the point where he was still posting videos of 10-20 minutes, and I devoured them by the bucket-load.  

The thing that came across from listening to HUNDREDS of these videos, was the inescapable conclusion that this was a lifestyle choice: I was either going to dedicate my life to dealing with my bullshit, or I wasn't.  So I did.

The thing that's always been critical in Leo's videos, though, is his insistence that you do the work for yourself.  That's what really helped me.  After years and years and years of looking for a magic book, or website, or therapy, these videos finally made me buckle up and recognize that if I want to change, I need to change. 

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I liked it when I first discovered it about a week ago but the more I watch it the more it actually bores me and sends me to sleep so it's quite good if you have insomnia.   It's really lacking a self acceptance and kindness element and seems to be more about trying to realise how pathetic you are then kicking your own butt and trying to be something other than what you actually are.  I think it really appeals more to Americans because they're massive over achievers. 

Wisdom is settling in and experiencing reality in the moment.

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i liked his 3 videos about enlightenment. they made me understand that the Truth is silent and purely experiential. since then i've been practicing reaching the state of no-self. nowadays i can reach it very easily and it lasts for quite a while.

unborn Truth

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For as long as I can remember, I was planning for the "BIG TRANSFORMATION". when I would become my best self. It was always tomorrow or the 1st of the month or New Years Day ...thinking it would be a magical thing. Leo's  teachings have given tools to help with the gradual process of transformation. Tools that can be applied everyday. He's a necessity,and his videos just keep getting better.

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He was the gateway for helping me get into spirituality, existence, consciousness, enlightenment, cleansing my beliefs, understanding religion, and all that good stuff most people don't get into.

I was so depressed at one point and needed a way out, I thought maybe there's something to meditation, so I searched how to meditate on YouTube and found Leo. Since then, I've been learning a lot from a number of enlightened and honest philosophical people. I think it saved my life.

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