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Adam M

Finishing my 3.5 Day Water Fast

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I'm just about to break my 3.5 day water fast. 

I'm breaking it with some lemon water, waiting 30 minutes, then some celery juice. Then I'll probably have some fruit.

Goal: To give my digestive system and my stomach a break. I had been eating out too much and I was feeling it affect my cravings and my mental clarity. I had been using food as a crutch to help me deal with feelings of stress and uncertainty.


Day 1: Super easy. I've done 1 day fasts before. I felt normal.


Day 2: I couldn't workout in the morning as I usually do, lower energy. I still had plenty of energy to get a lot of work done. Mental clarity increased. Body felt weaker.

Day 3: Body felt super weak. I still managed to do some work on my laptop and read a lot. I was basically bedridden for most of the day. However I did get outside and walk for a total of 90 minutes. That may have been too much exercise but I felt okay.

I started supplementing my water w a pinch of pink Himalayan salt and that helped w my low energy.

I was feeling light-headed whenever I stood up.

Mental clarity was amazing. I felt like I was in the middle of a Vipassana retreat. Mediation was also easier.

I also found that reading books and focusing was easier. I was able to read for hours when normally I have too much energy to sit down and read. Fasting is a great combination of physical weakness and mental clarity where there's not much to do except read books and meditate.

I was having very strong food cravings on day 3. I was basically thinking of food all day. 


So I'm deciding to break my fast because I am feeling like I got what I wanted out of the experience. I could definitely go for a bit longer, but I would basically just have to sit on the couch all day. I miss having energy to do stuff.

I was thinking of doing a little fast for a while and Leo's video kind of just pushed me over the edge. So thanks for the inspiration!

I learned a lot about water fasting from Dr. Alan Goldhamer. Lots of awesome info he shares about the benefits of prolonged water fasting.

Anyways, that's my experience, I'm gonna go have some celery juice now! ?

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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Update! I also just shit out my bowels. Feels like stuff is cleaning out from years ago.

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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