
? Anecdotal Fasting ? Experience Thread ?

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Post your personal fasting experience and anecdotal knowledge here. Some trustworthy articles and videos are welcome as well.


Some stuff from my end :


I've done dozens of one day water fasts over 5 years. A little himalayan salt is a must, otherwise the fatigue is unbearable.

As Leo said in his fasting update blog video, if you are regularely consuming sugar and coffee and actually carbs even, the first couple of days of fasting will literally feel like coming off drugs. Extreme emotional fluctuation, negativity, grogginess, lack of energy, etc.

I've also done OMAD , a form of intermittent fasting, for a whole year, where I eat one big meal a day. Energy wise it's alright, I do some work on an empty stomach and later at night after all is done I eat, when I don't care if I get some fog or not .

That ended up giving me an eating disorder where I'd basically end up bingeing at night, which is actually quite understandable since it's actually impossible to eat 2500 calories in one sitting unless you were eating two sticks of butter or a bottle of olive oil.

I overcame that with lots of effort but that helped me to get somewhat fat addapted ( not feeling extremely hungry and weak when not eating carbs )

Then I have done Keto diet on and off for more than a year, now about 4 months non-stop. I had done a 72 water fast during this time and I must say that getting into the fast coming from keto diet is a day and night difference from when I was eating carbs. It's so much more efortless and painless. You already are in ketosis before the fast even beggins.

Also fat adaptation : After a couple of months on being on a Keto diet it feels like the body "learns the language of using fats as fuel". This means that I could eat carbs one day, and one  day after I'd have no problem switching to keto again really quick again, with no 3 day ramp up time.

Other things : magnesium supplements help to feel more energized. I'll try to add some potasium in as well, since electrolytes need to balance eachother out as I've heard  ( Sodium  / potasium  ,   magnesium / calcium . . . etc )


Breaking the fast  : Fruits, fatty fish, vegetables = terrible for me. apple puree, bananas no good .  I had broken the 72 h water fast with 100% pea protein and it was super gentle. No brain fog, no reactions, no bloating, etc.

I also shed some gratefulness tears into my  tasty bone broth lmao - no reactions, no fatigue - no bloating.


Later that day first normal meal was 300g of lean pork meat. CHEW PROPERLY. CHEW 100 TIMES PER PIECE.

And all was good.

You could have some black coffee if you want, it's 0 calories and "gives you some energy " . I tested this and it was nice, although I usually stay away from it. 


I used to have severe bloating issues for my whole life. Also daily diharrea till the point where I didn't even notice it. It was so normal I thought it was normal.

That's gone now.

Edited by mmKay

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I drank nothing but juice for 150 days & was having putrefied solid bowel movements every single day. 

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