
Spiral Dynamics: Why is yellow so fascinated with blue / cross stage admiration?

12 posts in this topic

I've noticed this myself and then I saw someone in a post effectively say this

yellow admires blue

green admires green

orange admires red

blue admires purple

red admires orange  

I've noticed in my own introspection that I find healthy blue to be incredibly interesting and aspiring. 

Anyone else notice these trends?

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Systems fundamentally get created at Blue. That's the thing! If you want to really create systemic change, you have to truly integrate Blue and understand the reasons why Blue systems work the way they do, so that you can then create better systems that don't have the same problems, this time consciously.

For example, if you really study systems, one very interesting thing you'll understand is this - Morality is the fundamental building-block of all agenda-driven organized human systems. It's not a bug, it's a feature. In fact, such a feature that it's inseparable from the discussion of systems. I'm going to let you contemplate that one.

At Blue, the problem is that the systems are created unconsciously. Systems only get consciously created for the first time at Yellow. This is why it tends to be so important to go back and understand Blue to really uproot the dysfunctional systems, to solve the systemic problems at the root and to create new, better systems that are fundamentally better.

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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35 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

yellow admires blue

green admires green

orange admires red

blue admires purple

red admires orange 

I don't think this is the case. What makes you think that for example yellow admires blue? 

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i agree, i think all the cops, firefighters, all soldiers giving/risking their lives is very cool, healthy blue is nice. it gives order....and then yellow/turqousie brings chaos......


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Red admires itself. To admire Orange, you must be so Blue you're sick of it.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I ditched a lot of the "conservative" views on things back as a teenager in order to become "counter cultural". I'm thinking about things like

(a) don't do drugs
(b) don't be promiscuous
(c) respect authority

I would say it probably is kind of naive and even immature to take those proscriptions at face value, and yet there are natural limitations to going in the opposite direction. What is a fun weekend drinking habit in your 20s, for example, can start to become a problem in your 30s (especially when it becomes your primary way of relieving the inevitable stresses of life). So my interest in Blue has been trying to find the wisdom in their more limited worldview, or at least in their defense of their worldview, while still acknowledging that I'm never putting the genie back in the bottle of thinking something like "my mom told me to not do drugs, so that's how I know that I should never do drugs"!

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Maybe you haven’t interacted with many Blue people. I have a very difficult time believe yellow would admire (however you define that) the people around me, for example.

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In addition to what @Parththakkar12 said, Stage Blue folks also tend to be very principled, to stick to their guns (for better or worse), and to be motivated by something larger than their own ego, in a sense. Yellow shares these values, motivated by a larger mission or life purpose and sticking their their highly refined principles rather than conforming to mainstream society. Blue also gets shit done while Green far too often just spends hours talking about it, which Yellow values. 

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On 3/20/2021 at 2:50 PM, Lyubov said:

I've noticed this myself and then I saw someone in a post effectively say this

yellow admires blue

green admires green

orange admires red

blue admires purple

red admires orange  

I've noticed in my own introspection that I find healthy blue to be incredibly interesting and aspiring. 

Anyone else notice these trends?

Blue is great because they follow guidance that's written instead of passed down orally.  Usually, the collective guidance is about 99% useful and 1% detrimental.  So it's good to reconnect with things like the Bible or Stoic philosophy.  If they weren't timeless, they wouldn't have been used for thousands of years.  Same thing with the legal code.  It's an excellent guide that keeps you from having to recreate the same findings over and over again.

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Because Blue is so dumb that it makes it interesting to study. Personally, dumb things bother me a lot and I want to do everything to understand them so that I don't make the same mistakes.

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The yellow blue appeal? 

Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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