
Are dry fasts worth it? Or 100% dangerous?

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I read a book about fasting before and it said that one day of dry fasting equals 3 water fast days. It sounds good to me because i need to fast only one day instead of 3 to go into ketosis. Should i try it for a day or 2 or completely avoid it? Not having too much fat is a problem though. I absolutely cannot do a 14 days water fast. Maybe only 4-5.

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@The0Self of course 1-2 days won't kill me but will i see any benefits or can it make things worse? 

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@BlackMaze What are you trying to do with this intervention, exactly? I assume there is some problem you're under the impression a dry fast could serve as a solution for?

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@The0Self to detox. I have the same expectations as for the benefits of a water fast. This is just a more hardcore fast that could bring the same results faster. I do have a health problem and want to see if i will see an improvement. Have you fasted before? 

I don't plan to do it right now as i still have other things to take care of and i will probably start easy with one day water fasts. I just want to hear the opinion of others that have tried it or know more about this. 


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1 hour ago, The0Self said:

@BlackMaze What are you trying to do with this intervention, exactly? I assume there is some problem you're under the impression a dry fast could serve as a solution for?

No i don't expect a miracle if you mean that. I see it as a powerful tool for good health that i am not using and want to know more about. 

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@BlackMaze I occasionally employ intermittent fasting as a diet adherence technique for one of my hobbies (weight training; athletics). It has no benefits outside of being a very simple way to eat larger satisfying meals really close to each other while in a calorie deficit. Benefits beyond that have only been shown in rats but it can be seen that the benefits don’t transfer to humans.

For health problems, on the other hand... I believe I researched it briefly in the past, but can’t remember anything particularly remarkable with regard to it. Another hobby of mine is going on random research binges — a good way to start is by googling the letters “ncbi” followed by whatever key words you’d expect to find in the research article containing the info you’re after. I suggest trying that for this topic and letting it take you down rabbit holes but never forget the main task at hand — finding out if dry fasting is right for you.

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20 minutes ago, The0Self said:

@BlackMazeAnother hobby of mine is going on random research binges — a good way to start is by googling the letters “ncbi” followed by whatever key words you’d expect to find in the research article containing the info you’re after. 

Good info thanks. So i did  search for this. In animals studies fasting was very helpful. Unfortunately there are not any serious studies in humans. Of course. Why should they if they don't make a profit from it... It seems that fasting can be very beneficial in my case. No infos about dry fasting for my case though. I will definitely experiment with fasting. For sure better than start taking harder drugs. 

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@BlackMaze Look into it for long enough, and you'll eventually see there's very good reason to believe the overall health benefits do not transfer to humans. There is plenty of money behind fasting... Tons of people, including members of certain religious groups for whom fasting is a common practice, have a vested interest in proving the beneficial effects of fasting. They haven't been able to prove or even really suggest benefits in humans outside of its (admittedly, very effective) use as a diet-adherence tool -- i.e. the beneficial effects are purely calorie-restriction-driven.

With that said, if there is a specific issue you have and want to fix, fasting may be of use. But don't do it for general health as it is quite clearly not directly efficacious for that purpose. If you wanted to starve certain types of bacteria in the gut, an extended fast could perhaps be of use, but I'm not up to date on that info.

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@The0Self there is even more money to be made producing 20 different drugs for countless people to take their whole lives... What if just fasting could completely heal people? Would they let people know? I don't think so. 

I am very convinced of the benefits of fasting for overall health or even for reversing illnesses. Of course without studies there are doubts and labeling it as newagy. Many traditions knew about this long ago. I first learned about fasting from Deepac Chopra in a book about chronic fatigue and ayuverda many years ago. This book was a gem and teached me alot of things. I will just experiment and find out for myself but of course i'll start slowly. 

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@BlackMaze you won't know until you try just be mindful of your dehydration levels as you do it.

Funny enough water requires no digestion or energy it just kinda difuses in through the intesines. I'm not fully convinced of dry fasting being that beneficial since all detox organs are heavily dependent on hydration. 

Give it a try and let us know how you felt ?

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You won't enter ketosis in 1 day. Your body has several days of glucose reserves which it will be coasting on even if you stop eating or drinking.

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Sorry @The0Self i can't remove the tag. 

@Michael569 of course i will give it a try but i will build it up slowly with 1 day water fast then 2 then 3 and then 1 day dry fast. It will take a while but when i do i will share how it went. 

@Leo Gura ok then my mistake. From what i read when you dry fast the body uses fat to use as water. I don't really understand how this works. In your latest blog video you mentioned that dry fasts are dangerous. Why is that? Could even 1 or 2 days of dry fasting be dangerous? Should i really water fast for more than 3 days to see any benefits? 

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I don't know much about dry fasting.

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I have dry fasted for 5 days once in my life. I don't remember how "beneficial" it was. Long story short: I was thirsty. 

Here is a video of an expert that explains the thing about dry fasting. If I would fast, I'd rather water fast 100% of the time.


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Don't do it, it's probably dangerous as fuck. The body is made to go without food for a while, but not without water.

What if you collapse alone in your home, or you go to sleep at night and don't wake up? 

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If you learn about fasting, you will see that people have really bad odor when fasting.. that is because we have undigested fecal matter and other waste product sitting throughout our digestive tract. When you water fast or juice fast, you encourage the dehydrated matter to hydrated and move out of your system. The danger of dry fasting is that you might potentially cut your insides and have internal bleeding because the waste material thats sitting in body might dehydrated at the wrong place at the wrong time. From a health standpoint and in an ideal body, i am sure dry fasting has many benefits however the reality is that we are walking with 10-20 lbs of waste matter which makes it a completely different story. I would recommend cleaning out your small / large intestines through prolonged solid food vacation before practicing dry fasting. 

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@OmAhHungVajraGuru oh ok... Good to know. Yeah i wouldn't attempt it without experience in water fasts, i just wanted to know. This makes sense. If i ever consider my body extremely clean i would give it a try. 

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he has some videos there about benefits 

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