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Why is reality the way it is?

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What if there is no why to why reality is this way, I know that it is not satisfying for the philosophical mind but I do feel that there is no special reason to why it is how it is, just a spontaneous happening which conciousness identifies with and it plays out, but if you look back into childhood and upwards you may notice that reality has been changing all along and all appearences has changed but still it is the same "conciousness " which has remained unmoved even if experiences changes and appearences too.

Something has remained the same but at the same time everything has changed

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Nahm fair enough. How to achieve uninterrupted true genuine happiness? ... Please think this question through and without denying that suffering is inevitable and pain is intrinsic part of life. 

@Adamq8 nice pic bro ?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here

The truth is that - you are everything and it feels like peace (i. e. happiness), since everything happens in you, you are always Home. 

Suffering is always relative. There is a choice to end it, thanks God ?

Self realization reveals that 'loving everything' is the way, any other way of living looks like insanity but on the other hand you see that this is your own misunderstanding, so compassion arises naturally, every moment welcomed as a gift. 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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40 minutes ago, Someone here said:

fair enough. How to achieve uninterrupted true genuine happiness? ... Please think this question through and without denying that suffering is inevitable and pain is intrinsic part of life. 

Really question that “achieve” approach / perspective. The thought inherently implies true genuine happiness is not already your true nature, and that there is a you and an it, such that you could obtain it. 

There is no implication otherwise, of a denial of suffering and pain. 

This is not a cup -> ☕️. 

“Cup” is a thought... not perception. 

The thought “perception” can be peeled away as well.

Google, research what Siddhartha had to say about the distinction between pain & suffering. The former is of this place, to a large but not absolute degree, and the latter... one makes up on the fly (thought attachment to ‘me’, ‘my’, ‘mine’ narration) mistaking thoughts for perception, and thus one’s self (so to speak) for a thing or object... which literally do not exist. The only “place” separation is found - is in your (so to speak) thoughts. 

Notice the shockingly obvious absolute oneness of perception (without thoughts being believed)

Reality is ‘the way it is’... because of ‘your’ interpretation.  What about without interpretation (thoughts)?

Then the true nature begins to reveal itself, and shloads of magic, sense, and what you desire ensues.

Don’t believe me though, that’s just another thought. 

@allislove ?



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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

Really question that “achieve” approach / perspective. The thought inherently implies true genuine happiness is not already your true nature, and that there is a you and an it, such that you could obtain it. 

How is happiness my true nature?  Could you explain that? 


1 hour ago, Nahm said:

There is no implication otherwise, of a denial of suffering and pain.

Do you suffer? Do you feel pain? Do you ever have a bad day? 


1 hour ago, Nahm said:

Google, research what Siddhartha had to say about the distinction between pain & suffering. The former is of this place, to a large but not absolute degree, and the latter... one makes up on the fly (thought attachment to ‘me’, ‘my’, ‘mine’ narration) mistaking thoughts for perception, and thus one’s self (so to speak) for a thing or object... which literally do not exist.

So you agree that pain is intrinsic but "suffering" is optional?  To me these are just semantics and don't serve any actual purpose for ending human suffering. 

Do you think suffering exists? And how do you define it? And how to end it permanently? Is that even possible? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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2 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

@Someone here Is your name actually Socrates? xD



1 hour ago, NondualesStudium said:

So you want the easy way out (or in)? Pure happiness without suffering anymore, ever?

You want "the good news", so to speak? An absolute, completely satisfying assurance, a 100% convincing affirmation that everything is totally o.k., always was, ever will be?


Where it is? 

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@allislove I'm not experiencing peace or happiness in my life. I'm suffering from severe anxiety and other issues. And it's hard for me to accept that. 

9 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

@Someone here Is your name actually Socrates? xD



1 hour ago, NondualesStudium said:

So you want the easy way out (or in)? Pure happiness without suffering anymore, ever?

You want "the good news", so to speak? An absolute, completely satisfying assurance, a 100% convincing affirmation that everything is totally o.k., always was, ever will be?


Where it is? 

Edited by Someone here

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26 minutes ago, Someone here said:

How is happiness my true nature?  Could you explain that? 

It’s why you call suffering, suffering. If the true nature weren’t happiness, you won’t feel the discord with it. Explanation won’t do for what is prior, simple, obvious, self inherent. 


Do you suffer? Do you feel pain? Do you ever have a bad day? 

Not. Two. “I” is a thought. How could a thought suffer?


So you agree that pain is intrinsic but "suffering" is optional?

Pain is of creation, creation is made of being, pain is love. Suffering is of identification, thoughts, ‘with’ the finite mind.  


  To me these are just semantics and don't serve any actual purpose for ending human suffering. 

Right. To “you”. Which is not a you, but is a thought. Can’t suggest enough, a deep dive into the work of Rupert Spira. 


Do you think suffering exists?

Nothing exists - it’s literally up to you. 


And how do you define it?

I am it, and can not define myself. 


And how to end it permanently? Is that even possible? 

At Godspeed (slow). Inspect what you’re saying, what you’re actually talking about. What is “end”, what is “it”, what does “permanent” mean?

More, much more importantly - who gets to tell you what’s possible? 

Why would you listen. 



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@Someone here ?

What comes to mind, go to YT and listen Abraham Hicks, 30 minutes before sleep / 30 after waking up. Just doing that for 1 year improve the way you feel for the whole life ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@allislove thanks for the suggestions. Will look her up. 

20 hours ago, Nahm said:

It’s why you call suffering, suffering. If the true nature weren’t happiness, you won’t feel the discord with it.

I get you now. 


20 hours ago, Nahm said:

“I” is a thought. How could a thought suffer?

What about the body? 


20 hours ago, Nahm said:

pain is love. 

Lol. Yeah.. Ofcourse. 


20 hours ago, Nahm said:

Nothing exists 



20 hours ago, Nahm said:

More, much more importantly - who gets to tell you what’s possible? 

Why would you listen

I'm asking you because I'm suffering in my life and you seem to claim to be enlightened and have transcend suffering.. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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On 2021-03-18 at 8:01 PM, gettoefl said:

when asked what is god

ramana maharshi replied

what is

is god

That's a good one, but did he really say that? What is your source?

Edited by Blackhawk

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@Someone here Unfortunately (or fortunately ?) you are God, so if you are experiencing suffering it's because you are literally creating it. 

Not in the way of you having thoughts and beliefs and that way creating suffering. no. I mean in the literal sense. All of your life story is a dream and suffering is part of the dream. 

I don't agree with the mantra of suffering.not existing. Suffering does exist. But as an illusion. All can I say is don't worry at the end nothing matters and you were always fine as your true nature. But I won't be hypocritical to say that you are not suffering or something like that. It clearly exists. As an illusion, but it exists. Fortunately nothing is permanent, too.

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I'm suffering in my life

What is your condition?  As in... if I had X, if I was X, if X hadn’t happened, if X would happen, if someone would help me with X, if I realized X, if everyone else would just X, etc. 

What has to happen, what has to change, for you to be at peace, happy? 




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I feel that there is no reason of why reality is the way it is. Maybe there's doesn't have to be a reason for everything. In my opinion, the seeming randomness makes life even more fascinating. Like, what is the probability of life forming in the universe, when looking from the beginning. And what is the probability of conscious life forming in the universe. And humans? And then, what is the probability that my parents met each other? All of this seems pretty random and I guess I should be more thankful to even get to experience all of this. So I guess, the reality is the way it is, because of some random chain of events that in some bizarre way resulted to this, without design. Not sure if this was as deep of an answer that you were expecting, but here's just some of my thoughts.

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6 hours ago, Someone here said:

I'm asking you because I'm suffering

I read about it thousand times but that I have not understood until recently: you suffer because there is an "I". the i is imaginary. With meditation, psychedelics and intelligence you can take it off. when you take it off there is no other higher or sacred i, there is no i, only spaciousness and freedom. be one with reality. without i there is no suffering, only freedom to savor and beauty to contemplate. Seeing this clearly without the help of psychedelics is very difficult. the psychedelic is the solvent that takes off the ego for a moment and allows you to see. once you've seen, everything is simplified

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@Javfly33 @Breakingthewall thank you for your input. Appreciate it. 

14 hours ago, Nahm said:

What is your condition?  As in... if I had X, if I was X, if X hadn’t happened, if X would happen, if someone would help me with X, if I realized X, if everyone else would just X, etc. 

What has to happen, what has to change, for you to be at peace, happy? 


Good questions.i need to contemplate them deeply.

I've been recently diagnosed with anxiety disorder. I'm anxious about everything. Every fucking thing in life. Even the mundane everyday stuff seem like a chore. And in general I feel like my health is going downhill. I've had enough of this thick material plane of existence. It's taxing on my body and mind. I don't like life. 

I like to question existence a lot.. And as I dig deeper I feel like I'm losing my mind or myself and not finding answers.. And /or finding answers that drive me insane.  Questions like what happens when I die seem to cause me panic attacks when I contemplate it enough because my mind says "anything can happen. You might go to hell etc).

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

I like to question existence a lot.. And as I dig deeper I feel like I'm losing my mind or myself and not finding answers.. And /or finding answers that drive me insane.  Questions like what happens when I die seem to cause me panic attacks when I contemplate it enough because my mind says "anything can happen. You might go to hell etc).

Exactly. Osho has great pointers on the matter, be well, my friend: 


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@allislove thank you :)

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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