
Realization I Had

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On Friday October 14, I had a great realization as I sitting outside feeling deeply relaxed on a gorgeous Fall day in Washington DC. I realized how completely relaxed and mellow I felt and how my mind was focused on the moment and how wonderful basking in the moment feels like. I realized that enjoying the moment is becoming scarce in mainstream American society. Every morning, millions of people are rushing to and from work and home that the days, weeks, months, and years become a confused blur. The modern mind has became so mired in the shit of "obligations" that they reject relaxation and meditation as "laziness." I go to Guilford College, a very peaceful Quaker college in North Carolina, and one of the main themes in Quakerism is embracing the silence and the Inward Light. The Inward Light is God's presence within us as we slow down and take time out of our day for a moment of silence, prayer, or meditation. I realize that my years at Guilford have mellowed me out! On Monday, I had a meetup with a new friend and she was feeling very hectic because of traffic, depleted funds, and running late but I chose not to lash out at her for being late. I told myself "I will stay calm and not take it personally!" I've spent the whole week recapturing my childhood and it's one of the most amazing life experiences ever!! By watching Halloween classics particularly "Coraline" and "Over the Garden Wall," I felt like I re-entered my childhood and I felt a deep nostalgia because the show and the movie revealed how deep my imagination goes and how these films give me a deep sense of wonder and inspiration. Fortunately, I've been feeling this bliss more and more recently and it feels wonderful!! I had to release this insight. 

To simplify the insight, I'm simplifying my life by enjoying and loving the moment and I've entered a childlike state where life feels inspirational and magical again! However, I feel like this is just the beginning to something greater on the horizon and I'm too excited to find out!! 

Edited by Zane

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