
Video Game Addiction

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I feel like many people from Gen Z dismiss this as not being a thing, where this is a very serious issue.


Edited by Raphael

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I've definitely dealt with video game addiction. I had it mostly under control by the time I decided to sell my ps4. I'll likely return to video games one day, but for now I just have bigger goals and not enough to show for it. When I'm finished my education and have a source of income I'll likely work it into my week to a small degree. 

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I agree, it can turn into a big time sink, while in fact you’re not getting anything back for your efforts, it’s just entertainment, and it can install some really bad habits. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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Yeah I think there is a happy medium where you can just play a little bit each week or whenever. I used the KitchenSafe timed lock box to keep them locked up, but I found that I wasn't playing from a place of genuine entertainment and instead just used it as an escape.

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