
Losing Hope - OCD, Mania, Psychosis, Insomnia, Hospitilizations

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is it possible to cure these things? mushrooms helped me so much but everyone tells me to stay away but I feel like I need to say fuck them and do what works for my OCD. 

I feel I have heavy metals and toxins or plastics etc in my brain and body from all the hospitals and pharmecutials and bad environment products or whatever. I need help badly and I need access to mushrooms more readily as they are legal in AArbor near me, so I am ready to make that leap, but I am on: 


prolixin 5mg

lithium 900mg I know no one is a doctor and shouldn't give advice, but I need some hope at least. Like can I have a seizure on mushrooms? cause I didn't my doctor even said I am fine with mushrooms and lithium. 


I feel hopeless. 



Love. Love. Love. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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@EntheogenTruthSeeker Perhaps you should stay away from mushrooms, as sugested by other people, untill you stabilize your psyche. In my opinion it is to much risk for your health. You don't need to experience another psychosis. Also you don't know what effects on your wellbeing will have the interaction between antipsychotics and mushrooms. 

Stay safe and well as much as possible??.

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On 17/03/2021 at 0:34 PM, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:



is it possible to cure these things? mushrooms helped me so much but everyone tells me to stay away but I feel like I need to say fuck them and do what works for my OCD. 

I feel I have heavy metals and toxins or plastics etc in my brain and body from all the hospitals and pharmecutials and bad environment products or whatever. I need help badly and I need access to mushrooms more readily as they are legal in AArbor near me, so I am ready to make that leap, but I am on: 


prolixin 5mg

lithium 900mg I know no one is a doctor and shouldn't give advice, but I need some hope at least. Like can I have a seizure on mushrooms? cause I didn't my doctor even said I am fine with mushrooms and lithium. 


I feel hopeless. 



Love. Love. Love. 

Can I take a clinical case of u and vl try to know Wats the core issues and vl diagnose it and later v vl  see wat to do with it 


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Perhaps cleaning up your diet might help?

It did the trick for my mental health.

I've been dealing with psychosis, insomnia, and OCD as well.
Also serious mood swings but not to the point of bipolarity, even though I've had glimpses of what mania might be?

For a few weeks, try cutting out wheat, milk, MSG, canned foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners, reducing histamines, eating whole foods only.

MCT oil, zinc supplementation, fatty fish and brocoli sprouts help me a lot, so maybe you might add them to your diet?

Then after a few weeks re-introducing every potential trigger food, first in a very low dose, wait 3 days, then higher and seeing what it does.

Maybe all of this doesn't help at all for you, but it might be worth giving a try.

Take care!

Edited by Hap E-Boi

Often overlooked causes of spiritual regression are exposure to free glutamate and EMF's. For me personally the REID program has helped me a lot, but everyone walks their own path and what has a profound impact for one person might be negligible for another.

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I have severe OCD, so I can relate, I am sorry you are experiencing this. 

I feel hopeless frequently, its not nice.

I would recommend talking to friends or on here about how you feel. I was in such a hopeless mood the past few days and I talked to my friends and it gave me a new perspective on things, it was amazing and I am grateful for them. 

Perhaps try having something like someone to talk to, something to do that distracts you and gets you into another perspective? Gaming, meditating  etc. 

Your current situation is not your final destination. 

Sleep schedule, diet and exercise are also helpful. 

Hope your situation improves, I'm on Risperidone for my ocd, i plan on coming off for a bit to have  trip which is probably the wiser decision.

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