Heinrich Faust

Sickness after taking AL-LAD

3 posts in this topic

Hi, psychedelics community!

And big thanks to all the great information shared! Without Leo and the other experts and trip reporters here, I wouldn't have discovered this field for me.

So far, I had 2 trips, both on AL-LAD (50 resp. 75 µg). Comparing my experience to trip reports on this forum, I'd estimate, my body has an average tolerance, however, I'm not sure about this.

Both trips had roughly the same course: The 1st hour, the trips began very smoothly and subtle; the 2nd hour, the substance took full effect and I felt great; the 3rd hour, the trips slowly flipped; and from the 4th hour on, I just felt dizzy, ill, and sometimes nauseous. After sleeping, I felt quite normal again, however, there was a sensitivity staying for a day or two. I was more sensitive towards disturbing noises, uncomfortable body sensations, and overeating.

Since I've never stumbled upon such a thing in the trip reports I've read, I suggest that this is not normal. I'm thankful for any opinions or advise you can share.

You can also find the full trip reports in my trip journal:


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On 16.03.2021 at 11:07 PM, Heinrich Faust said:

Since I've never stumbled upon such a thing in the trip reports I've read, I suggest that this is not normal.

That's totally normal. Every physical symptom you descirbe in reports is totally normal. My first trip on AL-LAD had caused me a shitty headache afterwards, that's a one effect I didn't expect. Strong doses have much more possible unwanted effects, hard to describe them all and there's no need to, since Psychonaut Wiki has it all: https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/AL-LAD. Yup, be prepared for a possibility of every single one of these effects appearing.

You haven't really tripped though, AL-LAD starts at 225 ug. xD Lower doses are child's play.

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@Heinrich Faust I get hangovers (forgetfulness, confusion, headaches, slow thinking) after al-lad trips in 30 % cases. Total normal and I get only hangovers if i dont sleep well or if I dont drink enough water during/after the trip.




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