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4 yugas of hindu cosmology . Some thoughts on this ?



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It's mythology. Mythology is supposed to get a principle across, not accurately describe the world. 

Think of Greek mythology. Those stories also aim at conveying some underlying principle. They contain very symbolic imagery, like Medusa or the many Gods.  

Yugas work the same way. They describe a principle. 

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@Tim RYeah that is . It says this is kaliyuga and it will go some thousand years . Evil will prevail over truth in this yuga. Can we say this is kaliyuga .

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Idk if I’d call it mythology after listening to the book called “the yugas” on audible, they line up very well with the Iron Age Stone Age etc and history and the book makes a good case for it. Of course it could all be bullshit but I’m actually a believer that humanity goes through a collective cycle or ignorance and knowledge and it’s not just a straight line. There are many examples of this through history, this is at heart what the yugas are saying.


sri yuteshwar giri the guru of yoganana said that this was dwapara yuga and it started at around 1700ad if you’re interested in the yugas then I recommend that book

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The duration of a yuga isn't the point. Time is only relative, anyway. It is the deeper realization of the infinite cycle of creation and destruction.

The Day of Brahma ends after a thousand yugas and the Night of Brahma ends after a thousand yugas. When the day of Brahma dawns, forms are brought forth from the Unmanifest; when the night of Brahma comes, these forms merge in the Formless again. This multitude of beings is created and destroyed again and again in the succeeding days and nights of Brahma. But beyond this formless state there is another, unmanifested reality, which is eternal and is not dissolved when the cosmos is destroyed.

- Bhagavad Gita 8:17-20

Day of Brahma (in Hindu myth, a period of explosive expansion like the Big Bang dividing prakriti into the gunas; each Day lasts for 1,000 yugas, which equals 4,320,000,000 years; for this near-eternity of time the universe lives and grows; then it dies and lies dormant for an equal time, before the new Day dawns).

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha well said. Yugas are just trying to explain the creation and destruction of knowledge and to a greater extent all creation which is cyclical in nature and not linear.

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❇️  Kali Yuga: 1.200 years. Materialist Age. ( 500 - 1700 A.C)

❇️ Dwapara Yuga: 2.400 years. Electric or Atomic Age. ( 1700 - 4100 A.C.) WE ARE HERE... 2021 A.C

❇️ Treta Yuga: 3.600 years. Mental Age. ( 4100 - 7700 A.C.)

❇️ Satya Yuga: 4.800 True Age. (7700 - 12500 A.C)

Paramahansa Yoganada - The Cosmic Lover.


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The problem with this Yuga model is that you don't have any direct experience of it. Hence is it belief/dogma.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

A lot of sacred text have some coincidence with things that had hapeened aroud the world. History. Aztecas, Mayas, Incas, Induism, General Astrology. Canalization, Mediums have informations about those ages and many of that have coincidence.

Lemuria, Atantis, and many of those civilizations have been in that Yugas, in Dark Yugas. Coincidende in Ages and Civilizations.. an more.

We have to remember that our "Soul" in a way to describe this sutil body have a lot of lives before and we need to proyect our futures lives, society, humanity to Clean our Body and our actual Society, our humanity. Clean Mind and Soul in this present live, and proyecting in our future, next future or long future, see the tree at the forest and the forest too. Live NOW transform our lives NOW¡¡ it will transform the future.

Interesting information about AGES, YUGAS, ASTROLOGY CICLES, GENERATIONS (some years in our society), and more.

Many information we have to ubicate us in ths GREAT actual universe an exsistence. Past, present and future..... An MANY MORE (Phisical, Astral, Causal dimensions - for hindu knowledge - "Meditation" can take you to some dimensions).

Blesses to all...


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On 16/3/2021 at 4:01 PM, Tim R said:

It's mythology. Mythology is supposed to get a principle across, not accurately describe the world. 

Think of Greek mythology. Those stories also aim at conveying some underlying principle. They contain very symbolic imagery, like Medusa or the many Gods.  

Yugas work the same way. They describe a principle. 

Exactly! Nicely put

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8 hours ago, Hen Zuhe said:

Lemuria, Atantis, and many of those civilizations have been in that Yugas, in Dark Yugas. Coincidende in Ages and Civilizations.. an more.

You have no direct experience of any of this. It's all hearsay and belief.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gurawe can see the evils , egos ,stupidity in the world . Isn't that direct experience

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45 minutes ago, Karas said:

@Leo Gurawe can see the evils , egos ,stupidity in the world . Isn't that direct experience

That says nothing about Yugas.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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First you must come to conclusion of stupidity, what is stupid, what is not , who comes to conclusion, it effects you so it is stupid is one way to put it, but it has many facets to it.


Edited by PureRogueQ

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@Karas It says alot about it.

See here for more information

If we Ignore this, we perish.

Edited by lardplanet

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@lardplanet yeah that is to some extent

Edited by Karas

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@Leo Gura Yeah but I think the yugas system comes from the deeper understanding of recognition of some pattern. They set specific time frame for each yugas. How can they set the timeframe ? It can't be just belief. 

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3 hours ago, Karas said:

Yeah but I think the yugas system comes from the deeper understanding of recognition of some pattern. They set specific time frame for each yugas. How can they set the timeframe ? It can't be just belief. 

I agree that the cycle of creation and destruction is intuitive, however I see the yugas as representing this insight metaphorically, rather than a specific number of years. Time is inherently conceptual, and thus not directly verifiable.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Leo Gura does reality have an end?  In terms of time

... Am I going to have a final experience?

Or this stream of experience will keep going forever?

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