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Is this life just as real as our nighttime dreams?

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When we have a dream that we're in a bedroom, we don't assume that there must be other things going on outside of the bedroom within our dreams. So is it also the case that there's nothing going behind the scenes outside of my bedroom that I'm currently in right now in real life? This thought I keep having is creeping me out but it feels like this might actually be the case.

Edited by Holygrail

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Who knows 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Whatever 'experience' is occurring RIGHT NOW is as 'real' (True) as it gets, and it's ALWAYS now. 

The one thing we can be ABSOLUTELY sure of, is that something seems to be occurring right now.  We might be totally confused about what that something is, but we can be sure that something seems to be happening. Beyond this one thing we know for sure, it seems we can have 'degrees of certainty' (but never absolute certainty) about the 'contents of experience'. 

For example, I'm pretty sure I'm sitting at a computer typing this comment right now, but I might be dreaming.  I feel about 99.9% sure THIS 'now experience' is REAL (even though I'm 100% sure I'm experiencing whatever I'm experiencing).  I'm also pretty sure my car is outside.. I can't see it from where I am.. but I'm pretty sure it's there. I could be wrong.  On the other end of the spectrum.. I'm highly doubtful that there are dragons flying around outside, or another way to put it, I'm 'fairly certain' there aren't dragons flying around outside... certain enough that I'm going to 'act as if' there are not dragons outside, even though I can't be 100% sure of this. Needless to say, I won't be looking to the skies before I go out to see if my car is really there or not. 

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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"When we have a dream that we're in a bedroom, we don't assume that there must be other things going on outside of the bedroom within our dreams. So is it also the case that there's nothing going behind the scenes outside of my bedroom that I'm currently in right now in real life? This thought I keep having is creeping me out but it feels like this might actually be the case."



Yes, that is most likely true.

Like a video game there is nothing behind the mountain until your character goes around the mountain.

Here's a video by Tom Campbell that you might find interesting. Not sure if this particular video explains it but he has many videos that goes into the natrue of reality in a very scientific way.


Edited by freejoy
To add quote

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