
Need Some Help Overcoming Resistance To Life

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Lately my thoughts about the world have become very negative. My view of life on this planet is that our species is just incredibly primitive. I am so sick of these ego survival games and I absolutely don't want to play the game, yet I have to. I understand that my thoughts and my judgements are the main problem.. I am believing my thoughts too much. Life just is, it doesn't need to be a certain way. I want our society and humanity to be more "developed", I am truly sick of this madness but I also understand that everything has its timing and life will take care of this by itself. So basically I am resisting life, I am resisting the natural flow of life. While I intellectually understand the stupidity and absurdity of this approach – I am not in control of what is, life just flows, no matter how much I hate it, it changes absolutely nothing – I still cannot help but resist it emotionally. Honestly, I often cannot fathom the stupidity that is going on here. Human beings have so much potential, yet the majority of people are more animal-like and thus so far away from their true humanness. That truly saddens me and I wish it would be very different. 

How can I let go of these beliefs? They don't serve me and I cannot change any of it. I can see that I am very judgemental and not giving enough compassion. I can see that my resistance to life the way it is, is the problem. How can I let go of that and accept what is? I have so much aversion against life and our world and especially our species and this stupid game of survival. I can clearly see that this is my problem: aversion and resistance. 

And I think the only way out of there for me is to see more clearly that it's pointless. Can you help me better see why it's so pointless to resist life? I need to fully become aware of the absurdity of aversion to what is. Thank you for anyone reading this.  

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Sometimes we have to spend time in resistance to truly overcome it. You already know it's pointless, you're just not ready to let it go. I think Leo had a vid on letting go, but sooner or later it'll happen, don't worry.

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The problem is that you try to think too much. You should think less and feel more.

Acknowledge that thoughts are currently creating your reality and they affect how you feel. Rather than believing your thoughts, let them go. 

Imagine how you would feel if you didn't have these thoughts. 

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@Pilgrim felt it :(

Emotional scale by Abraham Hicks, Dream board, Daily meditation... It's all about noticing how you feel, letting go what is in discord with actuality.

You can't fight thinking by thinking. 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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You let go of beliefs by realizing that you are the field of Awareness, across which beliefs come and go. You can allow them to arise and dissolve, without being defined by them. They are the result of the conditioning of your mind, and they are not you. Don't allow your attention to be pulled into their gravitational orbit. Awareness amplifies everything it attends. Instead of attending the beliefs, attend the space between the beliefs. Realizing that space will set you free.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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