
Why does reality "solidify" as you grow up?

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At a very young age when I first developed what we could call a traditional consciousness (around age 4 or 5), I remember having extremely vivid experiences of dreams and nightmares that I could swear to this day were absolute reality. One of them even taking me sleepwalking outside at 3 in the morning at age 4 haha. I recall a vague feeling of everyday life seeming magical. My imagination felt so limitless and enjoyable to explore, and almost felt like a superpower. I asked a stupid amount of questions all the time, much to the annoyance of my mom in particular :D

Then over time as I started having curiosities satisfied, and started slowing down on the questions, day to day life became less magical. I realized I was slowly getting grinded down by the culture I was in, but I didn't go up in arms about it too much as I've always been a generally mellow person and didn't want to make life harder for myself. However I still felt a rebellious curiosity inside.

Fast forward to now almost knocking on the door of 30, I feel "ok" feeling I have reality mostly "figured out" like a lot of people, but I definitely have a melancholy and nostalgic yearning to go back to what it felt like being a kid. I can slowly feel myself leaning back there after years of work, but it takes an extraordinary amount of effort. Sometimes I'll stumble across something whether it's a personal experience or listening to something like Leo's videos that give me a "hit" of that, but it feels like it's passed and gone. Frankly as open minded and exploratory as I am (probably in the 99th percentile), existence NOW at this age feels ridiculously fucking boring compared to what it was like to be 5 years old.

I'm just curious as to why the human experience seems to start like LITERAL liquid magic and imagination, and then feels like it's all gelled together into something solid by constant pounding from the forces of everyday "reality" as we grow up and become adults? What is going on here, and why the hell aren't more people concerned about this in society???

Just posing this generally but more interested in a meta-physical explanation, answer how you feel. Would like to hear your thoughts @Leo Gura

Cheers 9_9

Edited by Roy


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It’s the essence of not knowing. Everything is fresh and miraculous at that age. This is why toddlers are prone to do things harmful to their own survival and stress their parents out. 

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@Roy I think its because we developed very strong sence of objective reality and think  we have mostly figured that out.

But this is only ilusion, you are very much clueless as you use to be as a child but you have learned to pretend you know something. You're still at the same place you started, you just pretend to know.

Have you tried psychadelics? It can fuck with your sence of reality and you will start see it as magical again.

Or you can develope magical perception through meditation, openmindedness is a good start.

Edited by AdamR95

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Good question but it clearly shows that our ego and the belief in an objective static world outside of us produces non lucid forms, but you can become lucid in the waking state and truly see the emptiness of form and that it has no underlying reality. 

Ego loves "permanent " things and non lucid forms.

But ofcourse change is always happening and form is hollow and luminous like a hologram. 

Ask yourself multiple times a day : is this a dream?

Really feel into it and watch perception change after a while doing this.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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Growing up is like a very long-term gradient of hedonic adaptation. You go from being completely unfamiliar with the entirity of reality as a stimulus to being slowly adapted to its regularities.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Did you by any chance, as a kid, ever experience writing down what you wanted, and it magically showing up? 



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On 3/16/2021 at 8:49 AM, Nahm said:

Did you by any chance, as a kid, ever experience writing down what you wanted, and it magically showing up? 

On 3/16/2021 at 9:53 AM, Nahm said:


You were taught Well.

Why’d you stop? 

I once wanted Santa to bring a powder that would enable the tree in our courtyard to speak with me.

Now I have to order, dehydrate and grind the mushrooms myself :ph34r:

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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Psychedelics or a hefty meditation practice works to melt the beliefs down.

The answer to your question is survival, and beliefs are one of its most powerful tools

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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On 3/16/2021 at 3:25 AM, AdamR95 said:

But this is only ilusion, you are very much clueless as you use to be as a child but you have learned to pretend you know something. You're still at the same place you started, you just pretend to know.

Yea I get that, but I want to go back to that magical place without dropping too many of the useful things I "know" xD I want my cake and to eat it too.

On 3/16/2021 at 3:25 AM, AdamR95 said:

Have you tried psychadelics? It can fuck with your sence of reality and you will start see it as magical again.

Only done Salvia. I have some other ones on my list I want to experiment with eventually.

On 3/16/2021 at 4:26 AM, Someone here said:

As you grow up reality becomes more nihilistic. Not sure why 

Probably because we're fed materialism through our culture, if we were all born a thousand years ago where everyone except an extreme minority worshipped a religion there wouldn't be a place for nihilism. If you're a believer in the lie there is an afterlife so you don't have to worry.

On 3/16/2021 at 8:49 AM, Nahm said:

Did you by any chance, as a kid, ever experience writing down what you wanted, and it magically showing up? 

Besides my imagination bringing up the pages of stories I wrote to life, no.

I do recall controlling the direction of the breeze with my hand though when I was lying in the grass at age 10 :D


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10 hours ago, Roy said:

Besides my imagination bringing up the pages of stories I wrote to life, no.

That never stopped. 

Idea of identity seems to solidify, reality is an ever changing appearance. 

On 3/16/2021 at 1:31 AM, Roy said:

it takes an extraordinary amount of effort....I am (probably in the 99th percentile), existence NOW at this age feels ridiculously fucking boring compared to what it was like to be 5 years old.

I'm just curious as to why the human experience seems to start like LITERAL liquid magic and imagination, and then feels like it's all gelled together into something solid by constant pounding from the forces of everyday "reality" as we grow up and become adults?

But your interpretation of experience changed. 


What is going on here, and why the hell aren't more people concerned about this in society???

They don’t realize they’re creating their reality, and the role interpretation plays, specifically in regard to alignment or discord with feeling, or, Santa (appearing as experience). ‘Those’ who do realize this, aren’t concerned, because it doesn’t make sense to create suffering. 


Just posing this generally but more interested in a meta-physical explanation, answer how you feel.  

The meta-physical explanation & how you feel are one in the same, as you are appearing as the universe, experience, or, reality. For there to be experience, in your infinitude, you must be that experience. As the infinite, or, enlightened one - you appear as two perfect spheres; the sphere of the world where experience transpires, and the sphere of the lens by which you experience the world you are being. 

In your creation, which is the appearance of the spheres, which is one appearing as two... “experiencers”, or lenses, are perpetuated in the same way, but of course, backwards; two appear to become one. It seems as if you are that one, and beliefs of identity are created, and this veils the true awesomeness of yourself, and the magic of experience - appearance. You might say the greatest magic trick that has ever been is too magic, too convincing....but that’s just how you role. And you feel the alignment & discord of each thought, in regard to the ‘role’, because the role you’re playing isn’t’re appearing as the role. 

You might think of it as a profoundly deep method acting via appearance, and getting lost quite literally, in the role...without ever actually moving, thinking, or doing. In the role there is ‘an extraordinary amount of effort’ required... for the character (believing thoughts, identified as the person). That’s not a ‘problem’ per se, but it feels ‘off’’s  

Seems like this would be simple to recognize, being all effortless & loving and whatnot. And that is the magic...the sheer brilliance of making the two one again; listening to how you feel...creating the life you dream of...takes you home (realization you never ‘left’ = this is pure ‘magic’).

Why are the ins & outs of this so tricky? Because you’re infinite can be no other way. By appearing as experience (via being the spheres) you inherently forget your infinite true nature, and the perfection of it all just goes out the window with it so to speak.

Then, how you feel, is in large part at the whim of all the other characters, and the current state of your world, and you create interpretations as you experience. You feel these interpretations, because though you forget your infinitude - you are never actually not infinite being. 

As much as I’d like to say that because you are infinite being, you get to pick how you feel and this is not at the whim of others, or interpretation, I can not, because that would just be one more condition, one more interpretation of identification, which when let go like the others, there is the unconditional true nature, or, the previously mentioned perfection, of you. 

Kids make lists for Santa. ‘Grown ups’ make dreamboards. But some are too deep in character for such “magical thinking”. (Video on this coming soon...coincidence....or just you effortlessly creating your reality? ?)

TLDR: You ‘came here’ to create, and here you are with plenty of preferences & ample focus to do so...just waiting on that second coming...for whatever “reason”. She gets what’s happenin here, she’s ‘been here before’ & knows the deal, and the ‘role’ identity & emotion plays, and how you feel it when You’re not around. 



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