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The Parallels Between Astrology and Racism

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This is food for thought. I’m not claiming astrology is anywhere near as detrimental or oppressive as racism, but I think the parallels are interesting. Proponents of astrology are generally unaware of these similarities in structure. 

When considering race:

  • It’s something you have no control over. You were born this way. 
  • The ego becomes heavily identified with this. There is a tendency for this to amplify the perception of distinctions between self and other. A tribal group identity is created.
  • Judgment of those both within your group identity and those outside of it is enhanced.
  • Generalization occurs based upon this. 

When considering astrological placements:

  • It’s something you have no control over. You were born this way. 
  • In those who believe in astrology, the ego becomes moderately to heavily identified with this. There is a tendency for this to amplify the perception of distinctions between self and other. A tribal group identity is created.
  • Judgment of those both within your group identity and those outside of it is enhanced.
  • Generalization occurs based upon this.


More minor similarities likely exist, but I think this covers the meat of the topic. 

Questions to contemplate:

  • Why is it okay or not okay to judge or generalize based upon race?
  • Why is it okay or not okay to judge or generalize based upon astrological placements?
  • Where lies the difference from a virtue- or morality-based perspective when not just comparing the impact of the judgments or generalizations taking place?
Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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