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I did 5MEO today

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and honestly it wasn't as intense as I thought it would be. I smoked the natural bufo in a ceremony and it was overall just a really pleasant experience. It basically just felt like love. I was being embraced by love, like being held in a warm blanket and during the comedown was just such a comforting feeling. I must have had the biggest smile on my face.

I can't remember much of the trip, but I remember it was very empty. I don't remember having any visuals, any sense of time, or having a self. I felt no fear. There was nothing there to feel, just love. And when I "came back" I just laughed. Like it was all just a big joke. It was so simple.... the answer is so simple. The 5meo experience was so simple.

And now here I am, back to my ego self, still wondering what I should do with my life. I feel limitless, but choosing where to go is still difficult for me. There are just so many options now that everything is love, and everything I would normally worry about no longer worries me. I have nothing to fear, nothing to lose. So what do I do next? I feel like whatever I do, I might as well go big and bold, since there's nothing to lose anyway.


peace and love y'all


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Did you have permanent shifts that lasted after the trip?

Like feeling more, love bliss etc?

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I've been there bro. Such feelings shall pass, give it time, relax. And yes, go big & bold, follow your dreams ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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9 hours ago, Beeflamb said:

So what do I do next?

As @allislove says give it time, relax, love and let go. Letting go of the memories, future and loving the moment whatever it comes the key. Good luck! 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Get into politics and help deal with covid and capitalism

Edited by blankisomeone

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