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Can chronic physical pain lead to depression/fear & negative thinking? 

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I think I pinched a nerve pretty badly in my neck a couple days ago and since then I've noticed all sorts of somatic painful symptoms that I often associate with fear and depression. My body is tingling often all over and I find myself in a sort of fear response constantly that is not going away. Going to try and stretch my neck some these next few days to see if I can free it up. From this a lot of negative thoughts have followed. This lead to sort of an insight. Since all emotions are felt in the body and are essentially physical sensations, can chronic pain lead someone to becoming very depressed and in an awful emotional state? 

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Oh absolutely, in fact prescribing antidepressants is the final step for people with chronic pain that medicine is unable to treat nor manage. If you are in chronic pain you will feelike shit 100% of the time , end of story. 

Go see a physio or osteopath or someone to help you. A pinched nerve is a poor excuse to go through all that where it can probably be fixed in a week

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Yeah, I had a friend who fell directly on his neck as a kid, and his mother didn't take him to the doctor - he was numb for a few weeks - and it created problems later in life and the symptoms you mention are what he had as well.

He said something about being injured in the neck can cause those symptoms specifically as well, but I don't know much about it.

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