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Thought Art

Karmic Monetary System (just food for thought)

6 posts in this topic

I had an interesting insight recently. It's likely too idealistic in its present form but I think it's a fun contemplation. (sorry my second sentence is so long)

I was thinking about this idea called the Karmic Monetary System.Our current system has a weird issue with it from a moral perspective. That of how regardless of the karmic debt you have with your purchasing (the amount you negatively or positively influence the planetary body from a holistic perspective: Karmic Debt)  your spending power stays the same. If you wanted to make an economy that would self correct you would increase the spending power of money toward things that had strong scientific approval. More specifically that which promoted a high level ecological holism. You could weight purchasing power upon how the purchase affected lives and ecology based on Love (Health, creativity, quality of relationships and industries, etc). from the entire planet. For example, a neutral dollar would be worth 1.00.  The better your purchase is for the health of the planetary system on all levels would be weighted as high as 2.00, or as low as 0.01. This way, science and spiritual wisdom could transition the actions within the economy toward one we all enjoy. 

Right now value is rigid and way to mono, despite the different types of national currencies and crypto currencies. It's too bad transaction value couldn't happen on a more quantum, paradoxical, wide reaching yet localized sort of way.

We have things like a carbon tax, or whatever. This would be more holistic.

It's just something I thought was interesting, wondering what peoples thoughts are on this idea. (still editing)

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art

I like the idea. Essentially, you're trying to reverse perverse incentives in the system so that money flows towards things that contribute to a higher consciousness society. As apposed to now, where often times it's the other way around (money flowing towards creating a lower consciousness society).

I think there's many potential ways we can accomplish that goal of reversing perverse incentives. Demurrage currency is maybe at the top of that list for me. I will play with your idea some more and see what comes up.

The first challenge I see with what you're proposing is that people are not conscious enough to know what purchases will lead to a higher consciousness society. Even if you pick things with scientific approval, unless your scientists are fairly conscious, they will not know what is worthy of approval. They will just approval things that fit their stage Orange, rationalist worldview. And so you'd likely have a lot of fighting over how high your purchasing power should be weighted.

How would you get around this problem?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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57 minutes ago, aurum said:

@Thought Art

How would you get around this problem?



It was this problem that stumped me, but I know there is something to this root concept of the karmic system. We would need to increase the quality of information and holistic education on a much wider scale. We could utilize wide spread and inclusive online smart polls that used algorithms to adjust the quantum value at any time of a given purchase based on what the hive mind was thinking, feeling and understanding at any moment in time and location and specific items weighting..

It would require a super AI that understood reality on a high level who was basically a meta representation of all human best interest at all levels of the spiral with a lean on moving people up the spiral safely over time. It would learn over time, always with humans mostly at the helm.

The AI could also affect information streams and closed idealogical feedback loops that happen on facebook.  It wouldn't be based on political biased info, but simple share non biased health, or ecological information that lowers stress, increases energy, and mental clarity.(this is a bit iffy for me because of its high social engineering problem.... However it would be the AI doing it with input from every human on the planet). Wouldn't try to change your opinion, but create feeling of rest, safety and well being and allow person to decide for themselves.

It would be a quantum smart economy that would basically reflect and stabilize at the highest holistic rating system of human well being, consciousness, love, well being and alignment with the geometry of the universe. 

We enact a UBI and put humans first. This would allow for the great age of industrial transition to holism and long term practices.

at the time of purchase, the AI could present to you a detailed explaination of why each item priced as it was priced.

By living aligned with the highest quality karmic debt would raise your social status more than just your 'job' which is just dumb.

We put love first.

again just thought experiments. 

How would you create an onboarding system of people onto this type of system?

What technologies and synthetic intellects exist today in the current platforms we use?

What social factors are at play that stop this type of system happening?

What the are the potential risks and rewards of in-acting this type of system?

Would all factories need to be highly automated and communicate to each other?

Would humanity live more free, interesting, healthy and highly creative lives? 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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13 hours ago, Thought Art said:

How would you create an onboarding system of people onto this type of system?

What technologies and synthetic intellects exist today in the current platforms we use?

What social factors are at play that stop this type of system happening?

What the are the potential risks and rewards of in-acting this type of system?

Would all factories need to be highly automated and communicate to each other?

Would humanity live more free, interesting, healthy and highly creative lives? 

These are excellent questions, and they honestly feel way bigger to me than any one human can answer.

Something like this requires massive collective intelligence. You need people who deeply understand the current monetary / financial system, programmers, AI researchers, activists for pushing it to the public, etc.

I'll attempt to just pitifully nibble at the ankles of your questions.


"How would you create an onboarding system of people onto this type of system?"

Potentially you could test something like this at the local level first before the nation-state level. You issue a local currency for X area, perhaps a city, and then put the AI to work. See what happens. Refine and get positive results before attempting to move higher.

As you'd move from each level (city -> state -> nation -> global???) , the AI and the system as a whole would like have to get increasing complex and refined.


"What technologies and synthetic intellects exist today in the current platforms we use?"

The market is a sort of collective intelligence. Also you have various forms of government intervention, e.g monetary & fiscal policy. These distort the "pure" free market. Also the Facebook AI, although it would have to be massively changed for this purpose.


"What social factors are at play that stop this type of system happening?"

Neoliberalism / libertarian philosophy, as they would like see this as a distortion of the market. Stage Orange individualism and stage Blue ideology. Basically, people at different stages of the spiral are not going to agree on how your purchasing power should be weighted.

Also, you have to factor in business interests. If prices are being constantly changed by the AI, essentially business owners are no longer in control of their prices. I doubt they will like this. It may make it difficult for them to accurately predict earnings.


"What the are the potential risks and rewards of in-acting this type of system?'

The biggest risk I see is that the AI would fail deliver on its promise. Instead of incentivizing conscious behavior, it ends up incentivizing the opposite. It becomes manipulated by devilry.

Another potential failure could be incentivizing consumerism itself as a method for achieving good social outcomes. In reality, we want less consumerism. Sometimes the best purchase is the one you didn't make.

The biggest potential reward is the opposite. You incentivize pro-social purchasing behavior on all major social outcomes, e.g environmentalism, health care, consciousness, education, etc.


"Would all factories need to be highly automated and communicate to each other?"

I don't know. I'm not seeing the connection between factory automation / communication in all of this.


"Would humanity live more free, interesting, healthy and highly creative lives?"

It's very possible. And of course that is the goal, which should influence every decision that is made about something like this.


13 hours ago, Thought Art said:

We enact a UBI and put humans first.

I think enacting this with a UBI could potentially be really powerful. Especially if that UBI is how the money supply is created. Versus just attempting to run UBI through the current monetary creation process.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Universal Basic Income 

Money associated with conscious things to have greater value. 

Equitable distribution of money 

Money obtained from bad sources like drug dealing, selling alcohol or porn or addictive substances to be taxed heavily along with the income of politicians so that people entering the system of politics do so with firm motive and not with the agenda to make money. 

Entertainment to be heavily taxed as most people in that industry are just overpaid for nonsense. 

Some stage Green outtakes towards money.

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Great perspective!

Just a thought, why not implement tax incentives and deterrents into an annual income tax system?

If all Governments, scientist, humanist and naturalist etc. on the planet were to determine what constitutes positive actions that alignment towards healthy societies, climates, wellbeing, nature, environment, food etc. with year-end tax refunds, that may motivate, help educate and convince individuals to change their attitudes and behaviours towards the betterment of the planet and all that is within.

As an added deterrent, you increase a person, or business/corporations income tax when they purchase or act negatively towards the wellbeing of humanity and the planet.

By doing both, you would reduce the burden on the taxpayers in general.  That is, until you change everyone’s attitudes and awareness towards positive actions.  Once the planet has reached a point of wellness in all aspects, you would no longer require tax incentives or deterrents.  

It’s not a perfect solution, but definitely a doable solution that could be implemented!

Edited by DLH

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